原 久子
大洲 大作
1973年 大阪市生まれ
1997年 龍谷大学文学部哲学科卒業
2012-13年 「始発電車を待ちながら」東京ステーションギャラリー、東京
2015年 「光路」サイギャラリー、大阪
2015年 「青い森へ連れてって」青森県立美術館館外企画、愛知
2016年 「さいたまトリエンナーレ2016」旧民俗文化センター、埼玉
2017年 「石の街うつのみや」「大洲大作・写真の仕事 – 石の街」宇都宮美術館、栃木
Daisaku Oozu
1973 Born in Osaka
1997 Graduated from Ryukoku University, Philosophy
2012-13 “Waiting for the first train” Tokyo Station Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2015 “Optical Path” SAI Gallery (Osaka, Japan)
2015 “Fly me to the AOMORI” Aomori Museum of Art (Aichi, Japan)
2016 “Saitama Triennale 2016” former Saitama Prefectural Folklore Museum (Saitama, Japan)
2017 “The Legend of OYA Stone" Utsunomiya Museum of Art (Tochigi, Japan)
OOZU was born in 1973 in Osaka and currently resides in Yokohama. With photography as his medium of choice, he examines the endeavors of man in landscapes. Representative works include his “Sequences of Light” series, in which he pursues light and shadow in the familiar scenery captured in the windows of trains and buses, and his “Panoramic Window” series. He held solo exhibitions including “Afterglow” (POETIC SCAPE, Tokyo, 2016) and “Sequences of Light” (Gallery PARC, Kyoto, 2014). He also joined “Fly me to the AOMORI” (Aomori Museum of Art, 2015) and “Waiting for the First Train” (Tokyo Station Gallery, Tokyo, 2012-13).