
山出 淳也

国本 泰英

1984年 大分県生まれ
2006年 九州産業大学芸術学部美術学科絵画コース卒業

2014年 個展、Gallery M.A.P、福岡
2014年 個展、BASE GALLERY、東京
2015年 「BEPPU PROJECT 2015」別府中心市街地、大分
2016年 「Local Prospects 2」三菱地所アルティアム、福岡
2016年 「大分アートクロニクル」大分県立美術館、大分



Yasuhide Kunimoto

1984 Born in Oita
2006 Graduated from Kyushu Sangyo University, Painting

2014 “Solo Exhibition” Gallery M.A.P (Fukuoka, Japan)
2014 “Solo Exhibition” BASE GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
2015 “BEPPU PROJECT 2015” (Oita, Japan)
2016 “Local Prospects 2” Mitsubishi Estate Artium (Fukuoka, Japan)
2016 “Oita Art Chronicle” Oita Prefectural Art Museum (Oita, Japan) 

I paint various groups of people extracted either directly from my surroundings or via a range of media.Each of my painting shows a group of people, e.g. standing in the queue or waking past, in which individuals are gathered but at the same time individuality of each person has been lost. As soon as we open the door and step into the world outside, we become a member of the group. I, as an individual person, disappear into the crowds on streets and in squares, get deprived of such characteristics as the tone of voice, habits and expressions, and am transformed into an anonymous human being. We repeatedly go back and forth between such individual beings and something that is not anybody.