
蔵屋 美香

衣 真一郎

1987年 群馬県生まれ
2016年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修了

2014年 個展「TWS-Emerging 214 風景と静物」トーキョーワンダーサイト渋谷、東京
2015年 「Choque Parisien」パリ国際大学都市日本館、パリ
2016年 「アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2016」丸ビル1階マルキューブ、東京
2016年 個展「Town」switch point、東京
2017年 「群馬青年ビエンナーレ2017」群馬県立近代美術館、群馬


Shinichiro Koromo

1987 Born in Gunma
2016 MFA, Tokyo University of the Arts

2014 solo exhibition “TWS-Emerging 214 Landscape and Still Life” Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)
2015 “Choque Parisien” Maison du Japon, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (Paris, France)
2016 “Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2016” Marunouchi Building, Marucube (Tokyo, Japan)
2016 solo exhibition “Town” switch point (Tokyo, Japan)
2017 “Gunma Biennale for Young Artists 2017” Museum of Modern Art, Gunma (Gunma, Japan)

Most of the time, my work talks about mountains and fields. Canvas is a space where develop forms and colors, as well as sense of scales of my motifs such as tumulus, stil lifes, structures, and sometimes people. Rather than the record of certain condition, It is more about the changing images during the process, about the texture that has been created by times, one after another brushstrokes of paint.