3331 Arts Chiyoda
髙倉 吉規
1981年 東京都生まれ
2012年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科博士後期課程修了
2007年 個展「メメントモリ」銀座ギャラリーk、東京
2008年 個展「TWS-Emerging100 The Gift」TWS本郷、東京
2009年 「中之条ビエンナーレ2009」群馬
2013年 「L’empire des sens」Artheum Gallery、レバノン
2017年 「NORA×拝借景」ノラヘアーサロン、東京
Yoshinori Takakura
1981 Born in Tokyo
2012 PhD Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
2007 "Memen-to-mori" Gallery K (Tokyo, japan)
2008 "TWS-Emerging100 The Gift" TWS-Hongo (Tokyo, Japan)
2009 "Nakanojyo Biennale 2009" Daido Public Hall (Gunma, Japan)
2013 "L'empire des sens" Artheum Gallery (Beirut, Lebanon)
2017 "NORA ×Haishakkei" NORA hair salon (Tokyo, Japan)
As I paint there are some moments where I feel an explosion of emotion and I become overwhelmed with uncontrollable tears.
Over the past years it has been quite difficult for me to vocalize the soul and hidden secrets of my paintings until now. Although at times, I feel like each painting expresses a different part of it's soul to each person that looks at it.