
原 久子

前川 紘士

1980年 大阪府生まれ
2007年 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科彫刻専攻修了

2012年 「Snchronized to the scene」トレジャーヒル・アーティストビレッジ、台北
2014年 「雲の建物」Q2、神戸 2015年 「Scales,others」Gallery PARC、京都
2016年 「ART1 2016 : Stepping into fresh snow」ARTCOURT GALLERY、大阪
2016年 「雫と規格/テレコラージュ」momurag、京都



Koji Maekawa

1980 Born in Osaka
2007 Graduate from Kyoto City University of Art, M.A. Fine Art Sculpture

2012 “Synchronized to the scens” Treasure Hill Artist Village (Taipei, Taiwan)
2014 “Building of cloud” Q2 (Kobe, Japan)
2015 “Scales, others” Gallery PARC (Kyoto, Japan)
2016 “ART1 2016 : Stepping into fresh snow” ARTCOURT GALLERY (Osaka, Japan)
2016 “Drops and standards/tele-collage” momurag (Kyoto, Japan)

With all the objects of fascination I have encountered in my life, I have always had the instinct to develop each of them individually. This has inspired me to craft a number of objects, part of which are now being exhibited: pieces inspired by concepts such as size, shape and number. I craft objects that respect sizes existing in nature, such as those of one drop or a hand palm.I created pieces that can be interpreted freely, generating new visions and stimulating imagination.