
蔵屋 美香

山内 祥太

1992年 岐阜生まれ
2016年 東京藝術大学映像研究科メディア映像専攻卒業

2015年 「THE EXPOSED #9 passing pictures」G/P gallery SHINONOME、東京
2016年 「Media Practice2015-16」東京藝術大学横浜校地新港校舎、神奈川
2016年 「瀬戸内国際芸術祭2016」女木島、香川
2016年 「カオス*ラウンジ 新芸術祭2016 地獄の門」もりたか屋、福島
2016年 「Moths, crabs, fluids」Koszyki Hall、ポーランド、ワルシャワ



Shota Yamauchi

1992 Born in Gifu
2016 Graduated from Graduate School of film and New Media

2016 “THE EXPOSED #9 passing pictures” G/P gallery SHINONOME (Tokyo, Japan)
2016 “Media Practice2015-16” Tokyo University of the ArtsYokohama Campus (Kanagawa, Japan)
2016 “Setouchi Triennale2016” Megijima (Kagawa, Japan)
2016 “Chaos*Lounge New Arts Festival 2016 The Gates of Hell” MORITAKAYA (Fukusima, Japan)
2016 “Moths, crabs, fluids” Koszyki Hall (Warsaw, Poland)

My works are themed around the question of what is "Real".Antonym for the word real would be "Fake". The "Real" world, however, is never as simple as being describable by this simple dichotomy. The world in my eyes is stretching and shrinking ceaselessly, going backward and forward, constantly changing in its relative distance to my perception. From one day to the other, a new piece of information enters my life and my mind is shaken as such. What is real turns into fakery in a blink of an eye and passes me by. My creation begins in attempts to scoop up these time spent living, gently so as not to kill it. These are words I uttered a year ago, and yet I find myself still looking for new words.