Sumiyoshi became interested in contemporary art after his involvement with Art Line Kashiwa. He has taken his "art walks" with his wife 2 or 3 times a month these past many years, visiting up to 8 galleries in an outing. Last year Sumiyoshi managed a total of 170 gallery visits in addition to traveling as a couple for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, Aichi Triennale and Yokohama Triennale. During all of this touring Sumiyoshi may find a work that he just has to have, and finds himself purchasing a few pieces per year if within his spending budget. When out of his means, he must ask permission from the Minister of Finance a.k.a. his wife. Though there are works of many forms in his collection, he is most motivated to buy when he thinks, "Today, I must have come here to encounter this work." He hopes to feel this way when visiting 3331 Art Fair.