
Gallery OUT of PLACE

須賀 悠介

1984年 東京都生まれ
2010年 東京藝術大学美術研究科彫刻専攻修了

2010年 「第13回岡本太郎現代芸術賞」川崎市岡本太郎美術館、神奈川
2013年 「わたしたちは粒であると同時に波のよう」京都市立芸術大学ギャラリー@kcua、京都 
2015年 「The glory(of phenomenon) act:1」TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY、大阪 
2016年 「Emptiness」Block House、東京 
2016年 「Windows」Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO、東京 



Yusuke Suga

1984 Born in Tokyo
2010 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts,M.A. Fine Art Sculpture

2010 The 13th Exhibition of Taro OKAMOTO Award for Contemporary Art, Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum (Kanagawa, Japan)
2013 “We are particles of water, separate but for the wave in which we are one.” Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA (Kyoto, Japan) 
2015 “The glory(of phenomenon)act:1” TEZUKAYAMA gallery (Osaka, Japan)  
2016 “Emptiness” Block House (Tokyo, Japan) 
2016 “Windows” Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO (Tokyo, Japan)

Influenced by computer science and scientific philosophy as well as the sci-fi imagination, SUGA has primarily focused on the contemporary “body” that oscillates between virtual and physical space. He produces sculptures and video works in order to materialize combinations of opposing situations or contradictions such as destruction and creation, subject and object.  In his latest works, he takes the motif of broken smartphone screens, and through the act of sculpting, creates wooden displays that appear as cracked glass. SUGA makes viewers realize with these works that their high spec machines are just “things.