杉田 陽平
1983年 三重県生まれ
2008年 武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵科卒業
2013年 個展「はてしない物語」渋谷西武美術画廊、東京
2013年 個展「ラビット・アイズ」Maki Fine Arts Gallery、東京
2015年 個展「印象派と具体美術が心地よい関係を保ったら」みんなのギャラリー、東京
2015年 中ノ条ビエンナーレ出展
2016年 個展「the intergalactic」MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY、東京
BLOG http://profile.ameba.jp/sugiheiattack/
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Yohei Sugita
1983 Born in Tokyo
1999 Graduated from Musasino Art University, Oil Painting
2013 “The Never Ending Story” SIBUYA SEIBU ART Gallery Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
2013 “rabbit eyes” Maki Fine Arts Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2015 “If impressionism and GUTAI keep a pleasant relationship.” MINNANO Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2015 “Nakanojo Biennale2015”gunma (Tokyo, Japan)
2016 “the intergalactic” MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
Painter. Sugita’s work is broadly shown in Japan and overseas. He produces collage-like landscapes and figurative paintings depicted by placing fragments of dried acrylic paints. He also makes oil paintings where an ultra-realistic world appears by reconstructing photos found in magazines or on the Internet. His approach is always focusing on exploring the essence forming paintings.