Photo by : Yuki Tamura
高田 彩
山田 なつみ
1980年 山形県山形市生まれ
2008年 パリ第7大学大学院視覚芸術学科修士課程中退
2012年 「フォルチュネ島」ビルドスペース、宮城
2013年 「Shared Lines」カンタベリー博物館、ニュージーランド
2013-16年 「Incheon International Design Fair」招待作家、仁川、韓国
2016年 「A.W.P. Selection 2016 -次世代を担う写真家たち-」リコーイメージングスクエア銀座、東京
2016年 「TOKϴYO」Galerie Hayasaki、パリ
1980 Born in Yamagata
2006-08 Arts et culture visuelle, Master Course, Paris Diderot University, France
2012 "Les îles fortunées" Birdo Space (Miyagi, Japan)
2013 "Shared Lines" Canterbury Museum, (Christ Church, New Zealand)
2013-16 "Incheon International Design Fair" guest artist (Incheon, South Korea)
2016 "A.W.P Selection : Emerging phogoraphers" RICOH Imaging Square Ginza (Tokyo, Japan)
2016 "TOKϴYO" Galerie Hayasaki (Paris, France)
Boundaries between life and death are uncertain among those living in the Tohoku region. The concept of sei (生 life) and shi (死 death) are often fused together in the mountains to become one life/death concept. It’s a common belief shared in the region. In January 2010, I moved from Paris to my hometown in Fukushima prefecture. I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) to start a new chapter in my life. Soon after, I became pregnant with my first baby. 3 months later, during my prenatal checkup, my doctor told me that “the baby’s heart has stopped beating.” It made me felt like a ‘mountain’ fused with life and death. In hope to trace the memories of my baby, I grabbed my camera and wandered outside. My camera introduced me to the celestial landscapes of Fukushima. the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, and the Fukushima 1 nuclear plant exploded. Just after the Like a world mixing life and eternity, it made me feel unreal and very confused.