メインギャラリーエリア 作家Main Gallery Area Artist
※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.
作家情報 / Artist Information
dot architects
2004年 大阪で設立
2013年 「瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013」、小豆島、香川
2016年 「第15回 ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ 国際建築展」 、日本館、ヴェネチア
2016年 「見えてる風景/見えない風景」、高松市美術館、香川
2016年 「京都国際舞台芸術祭 2016 researchlight」、ロームシアター京都、京都
2017年 「ニュー“コロニー/アイランド”3 ~ わたしのかなたへ」、アートエリアB1、大阪
dot architects
2004 Born in Osaka
2017 “New Clony Island3” Art Area B1 (Osaka, Japan )
2016 “researchlight, KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2016” ROHM Theatre Kyoto (Kyoto, Japan)
2016 “Visible / Invisible Sceneries”TAKAMATSU ART MUSEUM (Kagawa, Japan)
2016 15th International Architecture Exhibition 2016 – Venice Biennale (Venice, Italy)
2013 “ART SETOUCHI 2013” Shodoshima (Kagawa, Japan)
There is hardly a day when we don’t work on buildings. And all of our buildings use gravity, withstood by columns that support the roofing and flooring. Drawing together the center of the earth and space, columns are a highly important part of architecture, while throughout history they have also served as a main support system. One column creates a point of support, 2 pillars make a boundary, and then 3 columns form an area. In all of the buildings and installations we have designed up until now, a majority involves columns. We now take these columns out and display them at a 1/10 scale.
推薦者 / Selector
アーツ千代田 3331 / 3331 Arts Chiyoda
[推薦者コメント / Comment by Selector]