メインギャラリーエリア 作家Main Gallery Area Artist


渡辺 望 / Nozomi Watanabe

※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.

作家情報 / Artist Information

渡辺 望

渡辺 望

1984年 神奈川県生まれ
2009年 多摩美術大学大学院 美術研究科 博士前期課程 絵画専攻 油画研究領域 修了
2016年 University for the Creative Arts, MA Fine Art (UK) 修了
2017年 「個展 神山の宙」、劇場寄井座、徳島
2017年 「Nomads」、the DEPO2015 Creative Zone、チェコ
2016年 「個展 PARALLAX」、the Brewery Tap Gallery、イギリス
2016年 「Littoral Light」、Ramsgate Festival、イギリス
2016年 「Cheriton Light Festival」、Cheriton Recreation Ground、イギリス



Nozomi Watanabe
1984 Born in Kanagawa
2016 Univeristy for the Creative Arts, MA Fine Art (UK)
2009 Tama Art University, MFA (JP)
2017 “SPACE of KAMIYAMA (God’s Mountain)”, the Yorii Theatre (Tokushima, JP)
2017 “Nomads”, the DEPO2015 Creative Zone (Pilsen, CZ)
2016 “PARALLAX”, the Brewery Tap Gallery (Folkestone, UK)
2016 “Littoral Light” Ramsgate Festival (Ramsgate, UK)
2016 “Cheriton Light Festival” Cheriton Recreation Ground (Folkestone, UK)
Many of Nozomi’s works are designed to suggest both the immediate environment and vast outer space, and the change and movement in perspective allows the viewer to think about their own position in space. In recent years, she has expanded her work to create cross-media works including installations, videos, photographs, written works, and large-scale projects that use parallax and telescoping to take into account her interest in the history and possibility of human perception from an astronomical perspective.  

推薦者 / Selector

アキバタマビ21 / AKIBATAMABI21

[推薦者コメント / Comment by Selector]
