メインギャラリーエリア 作家Main Gallery Area Artist
※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.
作家情報 / Artist Information
齋藤 瑠璃子
1984年 秋田県仙北生まれ
2009年 多摩美術大学絵画学科油画専攻卒業
2009年 第24回ホルベイン・スカラシップ奨学者
2011年 「森の共犯者 郷の抽象化」、ゼロダテアートセンター東京、東京
2016年 「あきたの美術」、秋田県立美術館、秋田
2017年 「VOCA展2017」、上野の森美術館、東京
Ruriko Saito
1984 Born in Semboku, Akita Prefecture
2009 Graduated from Tama Art University, Painting Department, Oil Painting Major
2009 24th Holbein Scholarship Recipient
2011 Mori no kyohansha sato no chushoka (“Accomplice of the Forest, Abstraction of the Origin”), Zerodate Art Center Tokyo
2016 Akita no bijutsu (“Art of Akita”), Akita Museum of Art
Artist/Saito Farms 3rd Generation
I returned to Semboku, Akita in 2011 to work in agriculture and art. Using both fields as axes, I create series of artworks based on my everyday experiences as spatial installations of paintings and three-dimensional pieces.
My grandfather, who was a professional soldier, founded the Saito Farms. The land has more than 300 years of history, growing Japan’s largest chestnuts known as “Saimyojiguri,” and the “Genboku shiitake” mushrooms made with the abundant mountain water surrounding the area.
推薦者 / Selector
アーツ千代田 3331 / 3331 Arts Chiyoda
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