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宮川 敬一 / Keiichi Miyagawa
GALLERY SOAPディレクター/ AIK:アートインスティテュート北九州 ディレクター
Artistic director of GALLERY SOAP/Director of AIK:Art Institute Kitakyushu
推薦作家 / Selected Artists
1997年に、北九州市でGALLERY SOAPを設立以来、キャンディー・ファクトリー、藤浩志、松蔭浩之、大友良英、灰野敬二、ダン・グレアム、ピーター・ハリー、イエスパー・アルバーなど国内外のアーティストの個展やイベントを企画。同時に、RE/MAP、北九州ビエンナーレ、HOTEL ASIAなどの国際プログラムを含む、数多くのアートプロジェクト、音楽イベント、上映会やシンポジウム等を企画している。また、セカンド・プラネット名義でアーティストとしても活動しており、国内外の美術館やアートスペース等で発表している。
Keiichi Miyagawa has been running an artist-run-space called GALLERY SOAP since 1997 in Kitakyushu, Japan and has organized many curatorial projects and music events including RE/MAP Project, Co-curated with Yoshitaka Mouri, sociologist, a professor of Tokyo University of the Arts, Co-curated The Kitakyushu Biennial with Takuji Kogo, he is also running an online-based candy factory project internationally, and and has been organizing another touring project called “HOTEL ASIA PROJECT” with Ni Kun,Chinese curator and Manipa Jayawan, Thai curator. And he also curated the solo shows of following artists: Dan Graham (USA),Peter Halley (USA), Philip Horst (Germany), Federico Baronello (Italy), Jesper Alvaer (Norway), candy factory (Japan), Hiroyuki Matsukage (Japan), Hiroshi Fuji (Japan) and so forth.
Keiichi Miyagawa is also a member of an artist collective named SECOND PLANET. His works have been presented at The International Curators Forum YOKOHAMA 2011, The Taegu Photo Biennial 2012, ZK/U Berlin 2012, The Kitakyusuh Biennial 2013, Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong 2014, Real Estate at Bangkok University Gallery and LP Art Space Chongqing, China 2015,Hotel Asia at Tokyo University of the Arts 2017, CANDY FACTORY PROJECT 2017 at The Private Museum Singapore.