体育館エリア ギャラリーGymnasium Area Galleries

コウイチ・ファイン・アーツ / KOUICHI FINE ARTS [大阪]

ギャラリー情報 / Gallery Information



〒550-0002 大阪市西区江戸堀1−7−13

Founded in 1996, in Higobashi, Osaka. Kouichi Fine Arts is a contemporary art gallery dedicated to promote many kinds of Arts not only paintings, but also lacquer wares and 3D art objects with concepts. And all of them are very high quality. We have exhibitions at our gallery several times a year, and sometimes participate in the art fairs. This time, we're introducing the works of art by Noriko Yamamoto who lives in Germany and mainly works on conceptual arts. We also show the works by Koji Okuda. His works are designed with 3D printer. In addition, some of his works are collaborated with Negoro lacquer. Please enjoy the works of our gallery artists at our booth.

1-7-13 Edobori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 550-0002
