教室エリア ギャラリーClassroom Area Galleries

京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab 東京ギャラリー / Kyoto Institute of Technology - KYOTO Design Lab Tokyo Gallery

※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.

展覧会情報 / Exibition Information


KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、バーゼル大学のマニュエル・ヘルツ教授とシャディ・ラーバラン氏の協力を得て、2015年から2017年にかけ錦市場をフィールドに食と都市を考えるワークショップを開催し、学生が主体となってリサーチと提案を重ねてきました。リサーチを通して京都の食文化を見直すと、生産・流通・消費を生み出す都市インフラやエコシステム、文化的背景、そしてそれらに通底する概念としての二十四節気など、食だけにとどまらないさまざまなシステムの姿が見えてきました。
Nishiki Market has long been known as the center of food culture in Kyoto, delivering ingredients of the highest quality to prominent Ryotei restaurants in areas such as Gion. However, with its increase in popularity as a sight-seeing spot, Nishiki Market recently has began to experience cultures and sights different from before.
KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] has held workshops from 2015 to 2017 that explore the relationship between food and city through students’ field works in Nishiki Market and proposal in response to them. When reconsidering Kyoto’s food culture through rigorous research, it became clear that there exist various systems that do not directly relate to food but have an immense influence on it, such as ecosystems, cultural behaviour, city’s infrastructure that gives birth to production, distribution and consumption and the twenty-four seasons in the Japanese lunar calendar that are underlying concept for the said systems.
This exhibition shows not only research on the food of Kyoto and Nishiki Market but also design proposals that express new interpretations of there twenty-four seasons.

ギャラリー情報 / Gallery Information

京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab 東京ギャラリー

KYOTO Design Lab東京ギャラリーは、京都工芸繊維大学がD-labプロジェクトのプロセスと成果とを共有し、またその活動を一般に普及させる目的で運営している展示空間です。そこは外部パートナー、サポーター、卒業生との相互対話の場であり、また新たな対話とそれにともなう新たな協働の生まれる場でもあります。ギャラリーでは3次元的な作品展示のみならず、デジタル/非デジタルなメディアの展示もでき、今後は年間5回の展覧会を予定しています。

〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6丁目11−14 アーツ千代田 3331 2階 203

The KYOTO Design Lab Tokyo gallery is a space run by the Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) to share and disseminate the process and results of D-lab projects.
It is a place for interaction with our external partners, supporters and alumni where new dialogues and collaborations can begin.
The gallery is equipped to show three-dimensional works as well as those in a range of digital and non-digital media.
We aim to hold around five exhibitions of work each year.

203 3331 Arts Chiyoda 6-11-14 Sotokanda Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-0021
