
ファウンテン 賞
Fountain Prize
近年では、日本の現代美術に特化したロンドンのギャラリーWhite Rainbowの顧問兼アソシエイトキュレーターを務め、山城 知佳子、Chim↑Pom、笹本 晃、泉 太郎、 小泉 明郎、そして片山 真理といった日本の主要な現代美術作家の個展とプロジェクトを含む、12ヶ月間の新しいプログラムに携わってきた。
研究者としては、長期間にわたりアジア太平洋地域の実地研究に取り組み、近年ではキューレーションや芸術戦略から政治、社会、経済的課題まで幅広い考察から実践を試みた「地域アート」又は「アートプロジェクト」に関する出版事業に従事し、ロンドンのサザビーズ・インスティテュート・オブ・アート(Sotheby’s Institute of Art)で、日本の近現代美術に関するレクチャーにも登壇している。
Keith Whittle is a British researcher in Japanese history and culture. Lecturer, art advisor and producer, who also curates and writes on contemporary art.
He is currently advisor and associate curator at White Rainbow, an art gallery in London specialising in contemporary art from Japan, whose new 12-month programme includes solo exhibitions and projects by leading contemporary Japanese artists Chikako Yamashiro, Chim↑Pom, Aki Sasamoto, Taro Izumi, Meiro Koizumi and Mari Katayama.
As a programme director and arts producer, he has co-organised numerous monographic and thematic exhibitions and new commissions working with leading British artists such as Turner Prize Winner, Mark Leckey. In keeping with his interests in modern and contemporary art from the Asia-Pacific region, his work has also brought attention to emerging and under-recognised artists or little-explored themes and practices in the art world.
As a researcher, he has undertaken extended periods of fieldwork in the Asia-Pacific region, and he is currently writing a publication which explores 'Chiiki Art (local art)' or ‘Art Projects’ in Japan; objectives, practices, and considerations, from curatorial and artistic strategies to political, social and economic agendas.
He is also a Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Art at Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London.