メインギャラリーエリア 作家Main Gallery Area Artist


佐々木 浩一 / Koichi Sasaki

※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.

作家情報 / Artist Information

佐々木 浩一


1973年 東京都生まれ
2000年 東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科絵画専攻油画 修了
2004年 「表層の内側展」東京展(’04、’05、’07ー東京藝術大学)、大邱展(’04、’05、’06)
2006年 「大韓民国青年ビエンナーレ」、大邱市文化芸術センター、大韓民国
2006年 「中径展」(’06-’10)、府中美術館、東京
2014年 個展「相舞う絵画」、3331 Arts Chiyoda、東京
2016年 「3331 Galleries -Valeur-」,3331 Arts Chiyoda、東京


Koichi Sasaki
1973 Born in Tokyo
2000 Diploma MA Fine Art in Tokyo University of the Arts
2004 “HYOUSOU NO UCHIGAWA EXHIBITION”’04、’05、’07-Tokyo University of the Arts(Tokyo, Japan)、’04、’05、’06-Daegu, Korea)
2006 “Youth Korea Biennale” -Daegu Cultural Art Center (Daegu, Korea)
2006 “NAKAMICHI EXHIBITION” ’06-’10 -Fuchu Art Museum(Tokyo, Japan)
2014 Solo Exhibition “Painting Aimai” -3331 Arts Chiyoda(Tokyo, Japan)
2016 “3331 Galleries -Valeur-” -3331 Arts Chiyoda(Tokyo, Japan)
Koichi Sasaki presents, 
“People identifies things as we look at.
Our society builed by these common sence and the society exists to be uncomplecated way by this consciousness. But I have been felt something defferences about the sight between other person since when I was child. It comes to existence an individuals, reffering to the territory with other people of ”divergence”and”ambiguousness”.
Ambivalence has two meaning, “the coexistence of opposing attitude or feeling such as love and hate about someone or something at the same time” or  “being uncertain about evaluate the values in which two or more”
I value and am conscious “ambiguousness” implies “ambiguous sight and memorization”,”the trace which occur from the body”,”relation between a body, a painting and space”.”

推薦者 / Selector

アーツ千代田 3331 / 3331 Arts Chiyoda

[推薦者コメント / Comment by Selector]

中村政人(アーティスト、3331 Arts Chiyoda 統括ディレクター)