メインギャラリーエリア 作家Main Gallery Area Artist
※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.
作家情報 / Artist Information
安田 佐智種
1968年 東京生まれ
1995年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科油画専攻卒業
2009年 「DOMANI・明日」、国立新美術館、東京
2014年 「Mother/Land」、車屋美術館、栃木
2016年 「VOID」、 Base Gallery、東京
2017年 はま・なか・あいづ文化連携プロジェクト、京都
2018年 「新星都市写真(仮題)」、21_21 Desing Sight、東京
http://www.basegallery.com/artists/Sachigusa_Yasuda.html , FB [Sachigusa Yasuda]
Sachigusa Yasuda
1968 Born in Tokyo
1995 Graduated from the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts
2009 “DOMANI, ASU Exhibition” The National Art Center (Tokyo, Japan)
2014 “Mother/Land” Kurumaya Museum of Art (Tochigi, Japan)
2016 ” VOID” Base Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2017 Hama-dori,Naka-dori&Aizu Tri-Regional Culture Collaboration Project Executive Committee (Kyoto, Japan)
2018 “New Planet Photo City(provisional title)” 21_21 Desing Sight (Tokyo, Japan)
My practice is exploring the relationship between the body and one’s sight by attempting to expand the possibility of interpreting the world through physical sensation. With using mixed media (photography, video, and installation) based on visual and tactile information, history and memories of people of the sites obtained by daily behaviors like walking or looking around, I create my work which combines documentary and imagination to show the incompleteness of perception. Lately, since 2013, I have been devoting my projects on Fukushima based on interviews with local people and site documentation.
推薦者 / Selector
ジャパン・ソサエティー ニューヨーク ギャラリー・ディレクター
[推薦者コメント / Comment by Selector]