メインギャラリーエリア 作家Main Gallery Area Artist
※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.
作家情報 / Artist Information
久保 智史
1985年 愛知県生まれ
2013年 愛知県立芸術大学大学院美術研究科博士後期課程修了
2010年「shift cube vol.9 久保智史展」、文化フォーラム春日井、愛知
2012年「くりかえす」、GALLERY GOHON、愛知
2014年「Everyday」、APMoA Project,ARCH愛知県美術館
2016年「parent and child」、エビスアートラボ、愛知
Satoshi Kubo
1985 Born in Aichi Prefecture
2013 Aichi University of the Arts, Graduate Department, Master’s Degree
2010 Satoshi Kubo Exhibition: shift cube vol.9, Culture Forum Center, Aichi
2012 Culasique, Aichi University of the Arts Cafeteria 2F
2012 Kurikaesu “Repeat,” GALLERY GOHON, Aichi
2014 Everyday, APMoA Project, ARCH, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art
2016 parent and child, YEBISU ART LABO, Aichi
A world made up of dots similarly spaced and arranged across an entire surface. A world of dots connected by lines. A world of shapes formed upon lines taking shapes. My paintings have developed from the progression of dot to line, then line to shape. Moreover, my artwork has not evolved from planning, but according to the workings of my own life and imagination. Recently, my aim has been to fulfill myself daily through painting, thinking about the individual dots, or the sense of distance that appears upon the surface.
推薦者 / Selector
愛知県美術館 企画業務課長/キュレーター
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