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荒川 朋子 / Tomoko Arakawa

※Photos are for reference only. Actual artworks on display may vary.

作家情報 / Artist Information

荒川 朋子

荒川 朋子

1975年 愛知県生まれ
2009年 名古屋造形大学大学院造形芸術研科究洋画専攻修了
2014年 「カミノ/クマノ」、三重県立美術館、三重
2015年 「みはるかすそら」、ギャラリー芽楽、愛知
2016年 「日の長い一日」、私立大室美術館、三重
2017年 「みえるような、みえないような」、高浜市やきものの里かわら美術館、愛知
2017年 「みずのおとがよくきこえた」、ギャラリー芽楽、愛知



Tomoko Arakawa
1975 Born in Aichi
2009 M.F.A.in Nagoya Zokei Graduate School of Art & Design, Oil Painting
2014 “Camino/Kumano Artists Meet the Pilgrimage Roads ”Mie Prefectural Art Museum(Mie.Japan)
2015 “View from afar“ Gallery Garaku (Aichi, Japan)
2016 “Long daytime day“ Omuro private museum (MIe, Japan)
2017 “visible, invisible“ Takahama Kawara Museum(Aichi, Japan)
2017 “I often heard the sound of water.“ Gallery Garaku (Aichi, Japan)
I remember the scene, and untie it once.Then I tie the scene up again by joining the colors and shapes. At that moment, this ordinary scene was along with the light, the sound, and my feelings.A lot of information was flowing into it.After five to ten years, my memory faded and my feelings or insidents become vague. When I try to paint the scene now, I do not paint anything except colors and shapes. However even I try hard to erase everything else, I still see something oozing out.That is how I am. I want to see that on my paintings. Everyday, I would like to be watching scenes flowing in front of me that were not beautiful but just ordinary , so that I can paint them in after five to ten years.

推薦者 / Selector

拝戸 雅彦 / Masahiko Haito

愛知県美術館 企画業務課長/キュレーター

[推薦者コメント / Comment by Selector]
