体育館エリア ギャラリーGymnasium Area Galleries

武蔵野美術大学 / Musashino Art University [東京]

展示作家 / Artists

石山 凌Ryo Ishiyama
山本 明日香Asuka Yamamoto
芦川 瑞季Mizuki Ashikawa

ギャラリー情報 / Gallery Information



〒187-8505 東京都小平市小川町1-736

In Musashino Art University's Department of Painting, two courses, the Painting Course and the Printmaking Course, are linked in an organic fashion in the lesson structure. The Painting Course is divided into two programs: Course A pursues the possibilities of pictorial art, with a focus on figurative painting; and Course B takes painting as its starting point and incorporates diverse modes of expression, including three-dimensionality and video art. Together with the Printmaking Course, which explores the expressive potential of printing in a creative, enriching environment, and the Painting-Composition Lab, which investigates Western painting traditions from a material perspective, the Painting Course seeks out the possibilities of a variety of grounded expressive forms, producing many outstanding artists each year.

1-736 Ogawacho, Kodaira-shi Tokyo 187-8505
