



2020年3月18日(水)~ 22日(日)
[プレビュー] 14:0020:00
3月19日(木)~ 21日(土)
3331 Arts Chiyoda
3331 ART FAIR 2020 ご来場について


・ご招待状(3331 ART FAIR 2020の白封筒)やご招待券など既にチケットをお持ちの方 Google Formより所定のチケット種類をお選びください。(予約申込URLは本ページ下部)

・前売り券購入をご希望の方(チケットをお持ちでない方) ArtStickerのこちらのページより時間指定付き前売り券をご購入ください。


・ご招待状(3331 ART FAIR 2020の白封筒)やご招待券など既にチケットをお持ちの方も、事前のご来場予約をお願いさせて頂いております。お手数お掛け致しますが、何卒ご了承ください。
・キャンセルをご希望の方は、3331 ART FAIR 2020事務局までご連絡ください。


3331 ART FAIR 2020 入場予約(ご招待状やご招待券など既にチケットをお持ちの方) ご希望のご来場日時を下記よりお選び頂き、申し込みフォームに必要事項をご入力の上、送信してください。時間帯ごとに入場定員が設定されております。ご希望の日時が定員に達している場合は、恐れ入りますがそのほかの日時をお選びください。

*3/18はご招待者様(3331 ART FAIR 2020の白封筒をお持ちの方)に向けたプレビューのみとさせていただきます。
14:00~16:00 / 16:00~18:00 / 18:00~20:00

3月19日(木) 12:00~14:00
ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

3月20日(金・祝) 12:00~14:00
ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

3月21日(土) 12:00~14:00
ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

3月22日(日) 12:00~14:00
ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方 / 無料チケットをお持ちの方

アートフェア 2020 実行委員会
March 18 (Wed)~ 22 (Sun), 2020
March 18 (Wed)
[Preview] 14:0020:00
March 19 (Thu)~ 21 (Sat)
March 22 (Sun)
※Entry on final day limited to 30 min. before closing
3331 Arts Chiyoda
Make Reservations for Entry to the 3331 ART FAIR 2020

As the event will be held with limited admission to regulate the number of visitors, all entries will be made through prior reservation with a designated time slot.

・For those with invitation letters (official envelope from 3331 ART FAIR 2020), invitation tickets, or advance tickets: Please select the ticket category through the Google Form (reservation URL at the bottom of this page).

・For those wishing to purchase advance tickets (those currently without a ticket) Please purchase an advance ticket with a designated entry time throughthe ArtSticker page.

*According to guidance by the public health center, please enter your “date of birth”, “address”, “telephone number”, and other information. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

・Those with invitation letters (official envelope from 3331 ART FAIR 2020), invitation tickets, or advance tickets must still make a reservation to enter the venue. We apologize for the inconvenience and are thankful for your cooperation.
・Visitors may check in 15 minutes prior to their reservation time. (Ex: for 14:00-16:00 entry, check in starts at 13:45)
・As we wish for as many people as possible to visit the fair, same day reservations will be given as once ticket per person.
・Each visitor is required to have their own reservation (if others are attending with you, please make separate reservations per person).
・If a visitor does not enter during the designated time slot, then the reservation will become invalid.
・Multiple entry is allowed during the fair period. However, a reservation is required for each entry.
・The number of visitors allowed entry is based on designated time slots. If your desired date and time slot is unavailable, we ask that you select one that is available.
・For those wishing to cancel their reservation, please contact the 3331 ART FAIR 2020 Office.

[Requests to Our Visitors]
▶︎To those showing signs of fever, please refrain from attending.
▶︎Even without fever, we ask that those who have had cold symptoms or a sore throat for more than 1 week refrain from attending.
▶︎We may deny entry to visitors who are feeling even slightly unwell.
▶︎Please wear a mask when attending.
▶︎Due to measures taken for air circulation throughout the facility, the venue may become cold. Please attend wearing clothing that is easy to adjust with the temperature.

Reservations to Enter 3331 ART FAIR 2020 (Those with an invitation letter, invitation ticket, or advance ticket) Please select your preferred date and time slot from those listed below and fill out the required fields of the reservation form. The number of visitors allowed entry is based on designated time slots. If your desired date and time slot is unavailable, we ask that you select one that is available.

March 18 (Wed)
*3/18 is a preview limited to invited guests (those with a 3331 ART FAIR 2020 invitation envelope).
14:00~16:00 / 16:00~18:00 / 18:00~20:00

March 19 (Thu) 12:00~14:00
Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

March 20 (Fri / National Holiday) 12:00~14:00
Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

March 21 (Sat) 12:00~14:00
Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

March 22 (Sun) 12:00~14:00
Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

ART FAIR 2020 Executive Committee

3331 アートフェアについて

About 3331 ART FAIR


3331 ART FAIRの目指すところは、この「寛容性と批評性」が同時多発的に創発するフィールドを開拓していくことである。

The richness of the field of art is nurtured by open-mindedness and criticism.
It allows for the existence of all kinds of expressions, no matter what form they take.
It gives birth to messages that directly confront and challenge our existing values.

The 3331 ART FAIR aims to cultivate a field that rises from the multiplicity of both open-mindedness and criticism.
By gathering figures including curators, gallerists, critics, and journalists from all across Japan, our fair sheds light on the artists and collectors that are active in today’s era.
Moreover, our alternative art field becomes the driving force for re-examining the existing notions of “art and market”.

3331 ART FAIR 総合ディレクター/
3331 Arts Chiyoda 統括ディレクター


3331 Arts Chiyoda Supervising Director,
Masato Nakamura


2020 will see the complete update of the venue layout for a fair that is drastically reborn.


“Buying artwork means awarding artists.” The “Collector’s Prize” will be implemented again this year, making over 100 collectors’ faces visible to the public.

ArtStickerでお気に入りのアーティストの作品に支援しよう。The Chain Museumが運営するArtStickerと連動したアーティスト支援の実施

Support artworks by your favorite artists with ArtSticker. By teaming up with The Chain Museum, we offer a system to support artists through the ArtSticker app.


An art fair where everyone can experience “the joy of buying, seeing, and taking part” in every corner.

「Early 90’s TOKYO ART SQUAD」。90年代の東京でアーティストの間に自発的に起こったムーブメントの検証を通じ、新しい視点を提示する特別企画展を開催します。(画像は2019年開催の企画展の様子)

Recently, there has been growing interest in the 90’s era within overseas trends in contemporary Japanese art. Through investigation of movements rising voluntarily between artists themselves, we present a specially curated exhibition that offers new perspectives in the context of Japanese art.(Image of curated exbition in 2019.)