

後藤 あこ

Ako Goto

Selection-GYM(2F 体育館)Selection-GYM(2F Gymnasium)


In the past, my mother played different people theater on the stage, and pictures I drew became part of the stage art. Whenever I said to my mother " Let's go home early " and she gave no reply. I asked myself: Is this "fiction"? Is this "reality"? The events that happened in this story are probably fictional, but the time passed is real, and my mother was certainly there.
Well, is this real?
You cannot see accurately, even if something tends to "fiction" or "reality".It is always very difficult to catch its existence.

後藤 あこ

Ako Goto

1989年  名古屋生まれ
2014年  愛知県立芸術大学大学院美術研究科博士前期課程彫刻領域 修了

2020年  「ら抜きの仕草」、アートラボあいち、愛知
2019年  「瀬戸現代美術展2019」、瀬戸サイト、愛知
2019年  「群馬青年ビエンナーレ2019」、群馬県立近代美術館、群馬
2015年  「アーツ・チャレンジ2015」、愛知芸術文化センター、愛知
2014年  「アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2014」、行幸ギャラリー、東京

1989  Born in Nagoya
2014   M.A. in sculpture, Aichi Prefectural University of Arts and Music

2020  "Ranuki's gesture", ART LAB AICHI, Aichi
2019  "SETO Contemporary Art Exhibition 2019", SETO SITE, Aichi
2019  "Gunma Youth Biennale 2019", The Museum of Modern Art Gunma, Gunma
2015  "ARTS CHALLENGE 2015", Aichi Arts Center, Aichi
2014  "art award tokyo marunouchi 2014", Venues Marunouchi, Tokyo




能勢 陽子

Yoko Nose

豊田市美術館 学芸員

Curator at Toyota Municipal Museum of Art


