

ねがみ くみこ

Kumiko Negami

Selection-GYM(2F 体育館)Selection-GYM(2F Gymnasium)

ちょっと気が早いトナカイHe is waiting for new year.

だいふくChewy Dog!

うさメータRabbit Gas Meter

犬とババアのほどよい関係A good relationship between a dog and old woman

お肉ねずみCat holding meat

革張り風ワンコThe Dog is Made of Leather


My motifs consist mainly of people and animals.
They are foolish creatures that do nothing but bungle and make mischief if left alone,
But even painful happenings can be turned into comedies by changing the camera's viewpoint.
Both things and people are multifaceted. Everyone feels that he (she/they) is a majority in some ways and minority in others.
They have always been beside me right from childhood as a matter of course.
About the only difference between people and animals is that the former walk on two legs, and the latter, on four legs.
Animals break wind under the covers and snatch a morsel of salmon for a snack. This is no different from us.

We and others are a little alike and a little different.
I strive to never forget the amused feeling I get when gazing at the weaknesses and contradictions all people have, with a magnanimous outlook.

The materials I handle are wood, clay, and plastic.
To me, wood in particular is a special material. I was raised in a natural setting where hills and forests were my playground.
Trees that have lived longer than I and added many rings are noble. They are also tenacious. Their green color cannot be duplicated with pigments.

ねがみ くみこ

ねがみ くみこ

Kumiko Negami

1982年  日本生まれ
2008年  東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科彫刻専攻修了

2020年  「ものすごくくだらなくて、ありえないほど品がない」、Gallery花影抄、東京
2011年  「粋な男のワイルドライフ」、cocoa leaf、東京
2011年  「ロマンティックがとまらない」、UnsealContemporary、東京
2010年  「ザギンでシースーを」、CASHI、 東京
2009年  「スターだらけの」、Gallery MoMo 、東京

1982  Born in Japan
2008  Graduated Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts

2020  "Extremely Stupid & Incredibly Vulgar", Gallery Hanakagesho , Tokyo
2011  "cool guy's wild life", cocoa leaf, Tokyo
2011  "Cannot stop being romantic", UnsealContemporary, Tokyo
2010  "Breakfast at Tiffany's", CASHI ,  Tokyo
2009  "Full of stars", Gallery MoMo , Tokyo




Gallery KIDO Press

Gallery KIDO Press 



ねがみ くみこさんは木彫、樹脂など多岐にわたった表現方法で作品を制作されています。 とにかく面白い。作品は過去、現在、感情、ジョークなど作家の複雑に絡まった思考の中から生まれてくるのではないかと思わせておきながら、実は世の中や人間や動物を冷静に見つめ、困った行為や失敗も大事にしているユーモアで愛情深く表現しているのだと気づかされます。 たわいのない気づきや哀愁を大事に温め作品に吹き込む、そんな作品をクスクスと笑いながら見ていただけたらと思います。