I create abstract paintings by placing paint on the surface of two canvases and repeatedly putting them into contact while following several rules:
・To select two or three canvases with lengths overlapping with standard canvas sizes unique to Japan.
・To use colors in reference to the color studies published by Sanzo Wada.
・To position the paint according to the position of the bolts struck when the canvas was stretched onto the wooden frame.
Kazuhito Tanaka
片山 真妃
Maki Katayama
1982年 東京生まれ
2006年 多摩美術大学油画卒業
2022年 OngoingVillage in Echigo Tsumari Art Filed 2022、三省ハウス、新潟県
2022年 COOL INVITATIONS 9 、XYZcollective、東京
2022年 花桃/ポップコーン、second2.、東京
2021年 Emotional Frequencies、im labor、東京
2021年 F3(a<b),P6(c<d),M12(e<f):b=c,d=e、XYZcollective、東京
1982 Born in Tokyo
2006 Graduated from Tama Art University.
2022 OngoingVillage in Echigo Tsumari Art Filed 2022, Sansho House, Nigata
2022 COOL INVITATIONS 9 , XYZcollective, Tokyo
2022 PeachFlower/ Popcorn, second2., Tokyo
2021 Emotional Frequencies, im labor, Tokyo
2021 F3(a<b),P6(c<d),M12(e<f):b=c,d=e, XYZcollective, Tokyo
Curator, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum