Have art in your life.
The piece you chose has finally arrived. But purchasing the work is not the end of the story. Do not put just it somewhere safe and hidden, but place it in your room. How is it? When placed in your own space it may look different to how it did in the gallery. Did the atmosphere of the room change a little? You will want to keep an eye on the condition and maintain the piece, because you love it. It is time to enjoy your life with art.
・Aftercare for purchased pieces.
You can talk to the staff about changing the frame or making repairs. Depending on the issue, there might be additional fees.
Q1:Does it need regular maintenance?
A1:Maintenance is absolutely necessary.
As a starting point, when you decide where to display the piece you must avoid places that are under direct sunlight, or air from the A/C. Rapid changes in humidity and temperature could speed up the degradation of the work, and too much sunlight may result in a change to the surface colors. During the rainy season, in particular, extra care is required, and the environment that is suitable for your piece – including humidity and temperature – should be maintained as much as possible. If it is a framed piece or a canvas work you may see some dust. In that case, wipe it off gently with a soft cloth.
Q2:What taxes apply when purchasing art?
A2:Consumption tax will apply. If you satisfy certain conditions, it may be subject to Inclusion in Necessary Expenses.
Consumption tax does apply to the purchase, but because art pieces seldom decrease in value, they are not subject to depreciation. However, due to recent tax reforms, pieces that are under 1 million yen and clear certain conditions can be treated as “depreciable property”, and as such can be subject to the Inclusion in Necessary Expenses. If you want to sell the piece, and the price is over 300,000 yen, income tax may apply. If you are uncertain about anything, it is recommended to consult tax accountants and other specialists, rather than making your own judgment.
Q3:Can I show the work to everyone, or make postcards of it?
A3:Opening the work to the public is ok, but producing postcards is basically not permitted.
The owner of the work can show it to the public without any agreement with the artist (and even charge for entry), but they do not own the copyright. If you made postcards without consent, let alone sold them, it would certainly be illegal. However, if you got the artist’s consent, then your secondary usage of the work in postcards or business cards might be possible. So, it is important to inquire to the artist or gallery.
For further details about any of the Q&A questions, or to get further information, please ask a concierge at the fair.