Main Gallery Area Artist


Reona Nishinaga

Main Gallery Area

I want to go back to Okinawa and do it at a donut shop


※Photos are for reference only.

I want to go back to Okinawa and do it at a donut shop


※Photos are for reference only.

Y.M 1903-1943


※Photos are for reference only.

Artist Information

西永 怜央菜

Reona Nishinaga

1995 Born in Okinawa
2018 Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts Graduate School, Painting exercise
2017 “Kamikoani Project 2018” (Akita,Japan)
2018 “Akita Univercity of Art Graduation Exhibition・Kokode Haruhiraki” (Akita,Japan)
2018 “Barrak Independents・Survive” (Okinawa,Japan)
2018 “Seizan iizaka onsen Arts festival” (Fukushima,Japan)
2018 “Kamikoani Project 2018” (Akita,Japan)

I have roots in Okinawa and Kagoshima.Use shadow painting, paint, etc.And I express The personal history of ancestors who lived on the Korea,Taiwan and the west Coast of the UnitedStates in the 20th century.


Makiko Hara

Independent Curator

[Comment by Selector]


Based on field research of the history of her family and ancestors throughout the Pacific Rim, including Okinawa and Kagoshima, Korea, Taiwan, Manchuria, California, and Hawaii, Reona Nishinaga’s installation piece, “My Family’s Story”, exhibited in an old Japanese-style house, was her graduation piece for the Arts & Roots major at Akita University of Art, and won the University President’s Award. Inspired by wayang kulit, a form of shadow puppet theater from Indonesia, and using a unique technique called shadow play, by shining light on cutouts of photographs taken of the places her ancestors lived to represent episodes of each of their lives, the installation shows the scenery of Okinawa and the stories of her family’s memories and history in a beautiful and wondrously large display of structurally complex overlaps of light, shadow, and photography. Nishinaga, now a graduate student at Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, with her exceptional spirit of inquiry and motivation, as well as her own unique power of expression, is an artist whose future growth is most anticipated.