


弓指 寛治

Kanji Yumisashi

1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery


折紙鉱物シリーズ(アダム鉱)Origami mineral(ADAMITE)

折紙鉱物シリーズ(デュモルチ石)Origami mineral(DUMORTIERITE)

折紙鉱物シリーズ(ばら輝石)Origami mineral(RHODONITE)


折紙鉱物シリーズ(磁硫鉄鉱)Origami mineral(PYRRHOTITE)

折紙鉱物シリーズ(亜砒藍鉄鉱)Origami mineral(PARASYMPLESITE)

八塔寺の黒アゲハBlack Swallowtail at Hattoji Temple

ドクターヘリDoctor helicopter

山小屋にてAt the mountain hut

折紙鉱物シリーズ(ソーダ沸石)Origami mineral(NATROLITE)

折紙鉱物シリーズ(ローズクォーツ)Origami mineral(ROZE QUARZ)

折紙鉱物シリーズ(燐銅ウラン石)Origami mineral(TORBERNITE)

折紙鉱物シリーズ(ダンブリ石)Origami mineral(DANBURITE)

折紙鉱物シリーズ(銅藍)Origami mineral(COVELLITE)

岡山駅Okayama Station

夕暮れの親子Family in evening


「Continue to create under the theme of “self-death” and “comfort”. After graduating from graduate school, started a video production company in Nagoya with a friend from his student days. In 2013, resigned as representative director and moved to Tokyo to start writer activities. In 2015, when she was studying as the first generation of Genron Chaos * Lounge Art School, a mother who had lost her mind and body after a traffic accident killed herself. Before the encounter, the “bird motif with a ring” emerged and became the core of his expression, which appeared repeatedly in many works. In 2018, won the Toshiko Award at the 21st Taro Okamoto Contemporary Art Award. At the Aichi Triennale, we announced “Shining Children” based on the Kanuma crane accident.」

弓指 寛治

Kazuya Ozawa

弓指 寛治

Kanji Yumisashi

1986年 三重生まれ
2018年「四月の人魚」、ゲンロン カオス*ラウンジ 五反田アトリエ、東京

1986 Born in Mie
2018 “The 21st Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art”, Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kanagawa, Japan, Toshiko Okamoto Award
2018 “Mermaid in April”, Genron Chaos * Lounge Gotanda Atelier (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “Taro went to the battle field”, Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “Dinamite Traveler”, SHEEP STUDIO (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “Brilliant Children”, AICHI Triennae (Aichi, Japan)





アーツ千代田 3331

3331 Arts Chiyoda 


[Comment by Selector]



Kanji Yumisashi bases his works on real cases and accidents. He casts light on the relationships between victimization and perpetration, good and evil, life and death, and so forth. After you look at a work by him you feel as though you have seen an entire movie. Yumisashi is amazingly expressive, but there are other ways that he is impressive. By exhibiting works in the shape of a cloister he skillfully uses space. He constantly fearlessly tackles the serious themes, which require you to consider ambiguities when thinking about them. Also, that he actively carefully explains his works shows his undaunted engagement. Yumisashi should continue to expand the possibility of art. His works were enthusiastically received at the 23rd Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art and at the Aichi Triennale 2019. At every solo show of his we notice the quality of his research and his expressiveness. We need to keep our eyes on this artist.