


ユアサ エボシ

Ebosi  Yuasa

1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery

No.245 習い事No.245 Lesson

No.247 レントゲンNo.247 Rentgen

No.347 モザイクNo.347 Mosaic

No.338 バレエno.338 Ballet

No.367 ジャン・コクトーの肖像No.367 Jean Cocteau's Portrait

No.390 演出No.390 Direction

No.391 黒猫No.391 Black Cat

No.408 余暇No.408 Leisure Time

No.404 嘔吐No.404 Vomiting

No.419 監督No.404 Director

No.413 倉庫No.413 Ware House

No.423 モダンガールNo.423 Modern girl

No.425 興行 No.425 Show

No.430 破壊No.430 Destruction

No.437 磔No.437 Crucifixion

No.462 工場No.463 Factory

No.463 厄No.463 Misfortune


「I have been working as a fictional painter born in Taisho (born 1924 and died 1987) in recent years. The work to be exhibited this time will be the “Newspaper Collage Series” that was produced before becoming “fictional painter Ebosi Yuasa”. It was produced intensively from 2008 to 2014, mainly using Nikkei Shimbun, with a uniform size of 5 x 5 cm, and exhibits a part of the total of about 500 items. Please enjoy the initial works that are the starting point of your creation.」

ユアサ エボシ

ユアサ エボシ

Ebosi  Yuasa

1983年 千葉生まれ
2008年 東洋美術学校絵画科卒業
2017年 「第20回 岡本太郎現代芸術賞展」、川崎市岡本太郎美術館、神奈川
2018年 「シェル美術賞アーティストセレクション2018」、国立新美術館、東京
2019年 「プラパゴンの馬」、EUKARYOTE、東京
2019年 「曲馬考」、銀座 蔦屋書店 アートウォールギャラリー、東京

1983 Born in Chiba
2008 Graduated from TOYO INSTITUTE OF ART & DESIGN painting course
2017 “The 20th Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art”, Taro Okamoto Museum of Art Kawasaki(Kanagawa, Japan)
2018 “Shell Art Award Artists Selection”, The National Art Center (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “Prapagon Horse”, EUKARYOTE (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “Meditations on equestrian feats”, GINZA TSUTAYA BOOKS ART WALL GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “Spectral Intrusions”, AKIO NAGASAWA GALLERY AOYAMA (Tokyo, Japan)




井波 吉太郎

Yoshitaro Inami

東京都現代美術館 学芸員



[Comment by Selector]



Ebosi Yuasa was an unknown artist who was born in the Taisho era and who died during the Showa era. One after another Yuasa’s works and materials on him are found. They lead to Yuasa’s life and art being discovered. We see the awards Yuasa won and the famous artists he associated with. However, they are all lies. They are all pieces of fiction that Ebosi Yuasa the present-day artist skillfully inserted into the various corners of Japanese art history. Yuasa’s pictures have the usual excellence and he incorporates into them senses of time and history. His project is indeed bold and unique. Collector Mr. I, a recent series of works which received much attention, is also clever. The premise of the series is that a certain anime character is a collector of the works of Francis Bacon. Constantly surprising the viewer and continually disrupting the concepts they hold, Eboshi Uasa is a singular artist.