


池田 嘉人

Yoshito Ikeda

1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery


Recollecion 01Recollecion 01

Recollection 02Recollection 02

Recollection 03Recollection 03


「Recalling and forgetting, déjà vu and actual experience, absence and omnipresence. Making it possible to share memories that are impossible to represent. Layering different memories to generate fictional time. Creating a not-video “something” that can be made from multiple videos. An artwork is an attempt to find something that arises in these kinds of processes.」


池田 嘉人

Yoshito Ikeda

1973年 千葉生まれ
2004年 東京芸術大学大学院美術研究科美術専攻油画研究領域博士後期課程修了
2014年 「TRANS ARTS TOKYO 2014 “CAVE -KANDA PROJECTION-”」、旧東京電機大学跡地、東京
2015年 「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2015『私と自然 11の夢』」東京藝術大学×エコール・デ・ボザール国際共同プロジェクト、十日町市、新潟
2017年 「西条酒蔵芸術祭2017『→ConnecT←』」、賀茂泉・和泉館、広島
2018年 「I Say Yesterday, You Hear Tomorrow. Visions from Japan」、GALLERIE DELLE PRIGIONI、ヴェネチア
2018年 「交差域」中日芸術家交流展、金鶏湖美術館、蘇州

1973 Born in Chiba
2004 PhD, Graduate School of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts
2014 “TRANS ARTS TOKYO 2014 'CAVE -KANDA PROJECTION-'”, Former Tokyo Denki University site (Tokyo, Japan)
2015 “Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2015 'NATURE AND ME' ELEVEN DREAMS”, Tokyo University of the Art×École des Beaux-Arts, an international joint project (Niigata, Japan)
2017 “saijyo-sakagura art festival 2017”, Kamoizumi-Wasenkan (Hiroshima, Japan)
2018 “I Say Yesterday, You Hear Tomorrow. Visions from Japan”, GALLERIE DELLE (Venice, Italy)
2018 “Cross Domain, Sino-Japanese Youth Art Exhibition”, SUZHOOU JINJI LAKE ART(Suzhou, China)




アーツ千代田 3331

3331 Arts Chiyoda 


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Yoshito Ikeda creates mainly video works, and he has also branched out to installations and photographs. So far, the themes of his works include the differences between oneself and others and causing new developments to unfold in stories through new images. What is common to Ikeda’s works are, though they feature videos that deal with time, in the minds of the viewers they create a memory, and it is of a momentary beauty. When you meet Ikeda, the first impression you get is that he is clean, fresh, and stylish. However, when you take some time to look at him and his works, you move past the beautiful surfaces and begin to sense an intellectual earnestness that feels almost unsophisticated. This is what is curious about Ikeda and his works.