


須永 有

Aru Sunaga

1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery



「描いた絵が、空間や時を歪めるように見える瞬間がとても不思議です。 私は昔から筆圧が強く、絵を描きながらキャンバスをへこませたり、紙に穴を空けてしまったことがありました。 それが何かの執着心や欲求を象徴しているような気がします。絵を描くことは、人間にとってどんな意味があることなのか考えています。 今回は、歪んでうねった鉄のキャンバスをつくります。 平面に空間を描くこと、実際に平面を歪ませること、これらを絵を描く作業と合わせて発生させてみます。 」

「It is very mysterious when the paintings I have created appear to be distorting time and space are very mysterious. I apply a lot of pressure with my brush. When painting, I have dented the canvas and opened holes in the paper. I feel like this symbolizes some sort of attachment or desire. I think about the meanings that painting has for humans. This time I am creating a warped, undulating iron canvas. As I paint, I will depict space on a flat surface and warp it.」

須永 有

須永 有

Aru Sunaga

1989年 群馬生まれ
2017年 東京芸術大学美術研究科絵画専攻修士課程
2016年「公益財団法人現代芸術振興財団 名和晃平セレクションCAF賞選抜展」、HOTEL ANTEROOM、京都
2016年「あなたの顔は、よく見える」、un petit GARAGE、東京
2017年​ 「本と美術の展覧会vol.1 絵と言葉のまじわりが物語のはじまり 長嶋有と福永信のキュレーションvol.1 大★須永有展 美と微とbi☆toの原寸大」、太田市美術館図書館、群馬 ​
2019年「絵筆で照らす」、un petit GARAGE、東京

1989 Born in Gunma
2017 Completed MA Tokyo University of Arts, Painting
2016 “CAF ART AWARD Selected Group Exhibition”, HOTEL ANTEROOM (Kyoto, Japan)
2016 “I can see you very well.”, un petit GARAGE (Tokyo, Japan)
2017 “Exhibition of Books and Art vol. 1 Interaction between a Painting and a Word is the Beginning of a Story”, Art museum & Library, Ota (Gunma, Japan)     
2019 “Light up with a paintbrush”, un petit GARAGE (Tokyo, Japan)




小金沢 智

Satoshi  Koganezawa

太田市美術館・図書館 学芸員

Curator, Art Museum & Library, Ota


[Comment by Selector]



It was in February 2019 when I received an email from Aru Sunaga saying "I want to make a twisted iron canvas". Sunaga worked on an iron-based work titled "Wavy Canvas" in 2010, and said that she would like to try something similar again. Ota City in Gunma Prefecture, Sunaga's hometown and where my workplace is located, is home to many metal processing companies as it is where the automobile manufacturer Subaru is based in. Therefore I was quickly able to introduce her to some acquaintances. The work exhibited here is a result of these efforts. Often, Sunaga's works will have painting materials such as brushes and canvases appearing as motifs, and the canvases (in the drawing) are sometimes perforated. This time, the canvas is (made to look like it has been) deformed by some tremendous power. I cannot help but think about the sense of distance, (possibly) including love and hate, to the painting.