




1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery



「Once, in a plant pot, I found a mushroom that I didn’t remember seeing before. Mushrooms break down the remains of plants and animals, returning them to the soil. The right environment probably happened to be in place, I thought to myself. While on the one hand, it was part of a wild ecosystem, on the other it was succulent and dainty. The next day, it had dissolved and disappeared. While ambiguous—neither an animal nor a plant—there are a massive number of types of mushrooms, and they serve as a key part of the ecological cycle. The main topic of our art is co-existence and cycles, like those seen in mushrooms. Not needing excessive control, being in accordance with the environment, and changing each time observed. Here, the act of artistic creation might be implying the end of a term.」




1989年 千葉生まれ
2015年 東京芸術大学大学院絵画研究科版画専攻修了
2017年 「NARAMIX展」、そごう千葉店、千葉
2017年 「Shibuya Style vol.11」、西武百貨店美術画廊、東京

1989 Born in Chiba
2015 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School Fine Arts Print Making
2017 “NARAMIX Exhibition”, SOGO Chiba Store (Chiba, Japan)
2017 “Shibuya Style vol.11”, Art Galley at Seibu Department Store (Tokyo, Japan)





畑井 恵

Megumi  Hatai

千葉市美術館 学芸員

Curator, Chiba City Museum of Art


[Comment by Selector]

鳥や自然を題材に、版画・油彩・映像・パフォーマンスと多彩な表現手法を展開しているNaramixと、10歳でウクレレと出会い、さまざまな楽器とのコラボレーションやワークショップ、ライブ等幅広く活動するUkulelist DAICHI。野生的な感覚を肯定しながら、有機的な動きが組み込まれた表現を追求するという共通点をもつ姉弟のコラボレーションは、自然発生的に姿を現し、植物にも動物にも属さないキノコのような、独特の存在感を放っています。二人の身体を通して直感的・即興的に生み出される「作品」は、今ここにしかない状況であり、終わりでも始まりでもない在り方なのかもしれません。


Naramix uses birds and nature as the subjects of her works. She employs various means of expression, such as printmaking, oil painting, video, and performance. Ukulelist DAICHI was ten when he discovered the ukulele. He engages in many creative endeavors, such as collaborations with musicians who play other instruments, his own workshops, and his own concerts. Both of them believe in trusting wild, untamed senses and pursue expressions that use organic movements. The collaboration between the sister and brother have a distinctive presence. It calls to mind the mushroom, an organism that is neither an animal nor plant and that naturally springs up from the ground. Their works are made through their bodies, and they create these pieces intuitively and spontaneously. We can call a work by them a situation that exists only here and only now. Simultaneously, we can see it as a way of existing that is neither the beginning nor the end.