

早崎 真奈美

Manami  Hayasaki

Selection-GYM(2F 体育館)Selection-GYM(2F Gymnasium)

Dust of the Universe -微塵- #10Dust of the Universe -Mijin- #10

Dust of the Universe -微塵- #12Dust of the Universe -Mijin- #12


I am interested in the relationship between humans and the history of natural science, and ecosystems. I examine human beings from the perspective of duality, such as ‘life and death’, ‘good and evil’ and ‘beauty and ugliness’. I believe humanity lies in the contradictions and small errors that sometimes occur in what is thought to be scientific. My work explores the inner nature of human beings, such as egoism, obsession and prejudice. The paper objects used in the art installation act as a metaphor for ambiguity. Paper cutouts are primarily flat, however they cast a shadow when arranged in space, and become difficult to define whether they are two-dimensional or three-dimensional.

早崎 真奈美

Manami  Hayasaki

1980年  大阪生まれ
2007年  チェルシーカレッジ・オブ・アート・アンド・デザイン、BA ファインアート卒業

2021年  「中之条ビエンナーレ」、かいこの家、群馬
2020年  「六甲ミーツ・アート芸術散歩2020」、六甲山カンツリーハウス、神戸
2019年  「Find Whispers of the Planet」、佛山岭南天地、佛山
2019年  「BankART AIR 2019」、BankART Station、横浜

1980  Born in Osaka
2007  BA Fine Art, Chelsea Collage of Art and Design

2021  "Nakanojo Biennale 2021", Kaiko House, Gunma
2020  "Rokko Meets Art 2020", Rokkosan Country House, Kobe
2019  "Find Whispers of the Planet", Foshan Lingnan Tandi, Foshan
2019  "BankART AIR 2019", BankART Station, Yokohama



アーツ千代田 3331

3331 Arts Chiyoda 


