She plays and exhibits circuitous and restless performances using pianos and founding objects combined with self-made instruments. Besides, she makes drawings and prints as her installation/instrument sketches. Her recent interests have centered on exploring the gaps and narrative aspects between the interaction of instruments and particular embodiment.
In addition, she is currently interested in the possibilities of media archaeological approaches generated by handmade electrical devices, instruments and the latency of network broadcasting.
Photo by Benedict Phillips
年 横浜, 神奈川生まれ
1993年 武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵科卒業
2005年 岐阜県立国際情報科学芸術アカデミー[IAMAS]卒業
2022年 どうぐをプレイする、NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC] 、東京
2021年 花かんむりと太陽冠 (個展)、gallery and spicyfoods P、東京
2020年 3つの世界 / バリケード (個展)、 switchpoint、東京
2019年 Tsonami Festival 、Espacio cultural Warhola、ヴァルパライソ(チリ)
2018年 SFX Seoul、Alternative Space Loop、ソウル(韓国)
Born in Yokohama, Kanagawa
1993 Graduated from Musashino Art University
2005 Graduated from International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS)
2022 Tools for Play, The NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] , Tokyo
2021 Corona de Flores y Corona de Sol, gallery and spicyfoods P, Tokyo
2020 Three World / Barricade, switchpoint, Tokyo
2019 Tsonami Festival , Espacio cultural Warhola, Valparaiso(Chile)
2018 SFX Seoul, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul(Korea)
Curator, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum