Room_412では取扱作家のうち、代表的な石山未来・岩崎奏波2名の作品をご紹介いたします。石山は1998年北海道札幌市出身、多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻卒業後、現在東京藝術大学美術研究科修士課程在籍中の新進作家。2019年にシェル美術賞2019 角奈緒子審査員賞を受賞、さらに2021年にはFACE展2021に入選。自ら構築したイメージの他者との共有によって生じる勘違いやズレを肯定的に“リアル”と捉え、制作の原動力としています。作家独自のダイナミックな筆致の作品群をご紹介致します。岩崎は1996年沖縄県出身、記憶・時間・動物をキーワードに、他地域の文化を柔軟に吸収・自らの手法とし、独特の遠近感・時間の概念をもつ「空間」を1枚の絵画の中に表現する稀有な作家です。2020年に多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻卒業後、2022年に同大学大学院美術研究科博士前期課程絵画専攻油画修了の経歴を持ち、グループ展・個展など多数の展示を通して研鑽を深めています。
Exbition's Information
Room_412 will introduce the works of two representative artists, Miki Ishiyama and Kanaha Iwasaki. Ishiyama was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido in 1998. After graduating from Tama Art University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting, majoring in oil painting, she is currently enrolled in a master's course at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. In 2019, she won the Shell Art Award 2019 Naoko Sumi Jury Prize, and in 2021, she was selected for FACE Exhibition 2021. The misunderstandings and discrepancies that arise from sharing the images that constructed with others are positively regarded as “real”, which is the driving force behind her work. We will introduce a group of works with her unique dynamic brushwork. Iwasaki was born in Okinawa Prefecture in 1996. Using memory, time, and animals as keywords, she flexibly absorbs the cultures of other regions and makes it her own technique. She is a rare artist who can express "space" contains different timeline and districts in a single painting. After graduating from Tama Art University, Faculty of Art, Department of Painting, majoring in oil painting in 2020, in 2022, she completed the master's course in painting, majoring in oil painting, at the same university's Graduate School of Fine Arts. While experiencing many exhibitions such as group exhibitions and solo exhibitions, she pursues her own unique method.
Exhibitor Information

Room_412 is a gallery established in September 2017 in Shibuya, Tokyo. The main themes are "Expression of Physicality" and "Expression of spatiality", and we provide a place for presentations such as installations, modeling, images, and photographs as well as paintings. In the case of self-planned exhibition, we mainly introduce contemporary artists who work on unique and experimental expressions.