Main Gallery Area Artist


Yuriko Sasaoka

Main Gallery Area

I hope you sleep well.

Artist Information

笹岡 由梨子

Yuriko Sasaoka

1988 Born in Osaka
2017 Completed the doctoral program without a doctoral degree of doctoral program in media-art from Kyoto City University of Arts
2016 “Setouchi Triennale 2016” (Shodoshima,Kagawa)
2016 “COLLECTING TIME_2016” Espace cheminée nord(Geneva,Switzerland)
2017 “The 13th Gunma Biennale for Young Artist” The Museum of Modern Art, Gumma (Gunma,Japan)
2017年 “command X” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery(Tokyo,Japan)
2018 “Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2018"Hanok (Changwon,South Korea)

With her original approach to making “video based on painting” Yuriko Sasaoka explores the interface between painting and video, by creating works that suggest “touches” similar to brushstrokes. Her technique combines filmed bodily elements such as faces and hands, into low-tech videos of puppet shows with Stage Assistants dressed in black and are reminiscent of SFX. Featuring noise that high-tech computer graphics do not have she invites the viewer to experience complex structures and stories in a unique world that is paradoxically nostalgic yet never seen before.


Hisako Hara

Producer/Professor, Osaka Electro-communication University

[Comment by Selector]


At an exhibition, one often sees a few people leaving a piece of film work before it reaches its conclusion. Even those who are impatient like that would not do the same in front of the work of Sasaoka: it is not only art obsessives who stand like rocks, gazing into the screen. Although creating animation work through collages of hand-drawn elements is not innovative in itself, Sasaoka, who is of the digital generation, makes work that oscillates between film and painting, indicating her unique evolution – work she describes as ‘painting-centering film’. Unfolding an almost fanatic view of the world through her idiosyncratic scene development and charming characters, she has gained acclaim from various fields. Sasaoka is certainly a young artist worthy of attention, who is forging her way ahead at top speed.