



Hai-Hsin Huang

1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery

Business Hour #1Business Hour #1

Business Hour #2Business Hour #2


「Hai-Hsin Huang's work is both an observation and depiction of contemporary life, with a specific focus on the seemingly banal aspects of life. She draws and paints familiar scenes taken from, for instance, family photos, tourists in tourists attractions, and institutions such as museums, banks and barber shops, in an effort to reveal what lies beneath the surface of life's banalities. To her, most aspects of life have the potential to be ridiculous, absurd, awkward, funny, tragic, frail, and meaningless all at once. Huang's intent is heavily influenced by the Post 80's generation into which she was born, more so from the perspective of the characteristics she describes as "[M]arked by hedonism, people seem to know more but feel less. [Where] catastrophes become assumptions; people practice suffering and crisis with laughter." Ultimately, Huang's voice is one of social commentary, highlighting cross-cultural, generational and socio-political themes that are evident, if we pay attention, in ordinary interactions between people, with our environment and with institutions of sorts. 」

黃海欣 Hai-Hsin Huang


Hai-Hsin Huang

1984年 台北生まれ
2009年 School of Visual Arts 大学院芸術専攻卒、アメリカ(ニューヨーク)
2018年 「The Common Places」、 Capsule Shanghai、中国(上海)
2018-2019年 「カタストロフと美術のちから展」、森美術館、東京
2019年 「Diplomacy」、Yeh Art Gallery、アメリカ(ニューヨーク)
2019年 「アート・バーゼル」、 Capsule Shanghai、アートバーゼル香港(香港)

1984 born in Taipei
2009 Graduated from School of Visual Arts, MFA Fine Arts
2018 “The Common Places”, Capsule Shanghai (Shanghai, China)
2018-2019 “Catastrophe and the Power of Art”, Mori Art Museum (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “Diplomacy”, Yeh Art Gallery, Queens (NY, USA)
2019 “Art Basel”, Capsule Shanghai, Art Basel Hong Kong (Hong Kong)




アーツ千代田 3331

3331 Arts Chiyoda 


[Comment by Selector]

台湾出身でニューヨークに拠点を置くハイ・シン・ホワンの絵画作品は、ユーモラスで日常生活の風景に鋭く切れ込みを入れる。ハイ・シンは2018年1月から2月の間にAIR 3331 に滞在した後、森美術館で開催された「カタストロフと美術のちから展」(2019)において作品が展示された。何百人もの花嫁が完璧なドレスを巡って死闘をする狂乱の風景、燃えるクリスマスツリーを無視する家族など、ハイ・シンは台湾とアメリカ文化の文脈から彼女の鋭い視点を据えた作品を制作している。同様に、東京でのレジデンス滞在中も、鳶服を着て虚勢をはる建築現場の男性、銭湯でつまらない冗談をいう男性、銀座のOLやサラリーマンがランチを求め、川の流れのような列をなしている様子など、日常の文化を彼女独自の視点で拾い上げ、大量のスケッチと、コラージュ作品を制作した。


Born in Taiwan and currently based in New York City, Hai-Hsin Huang paints humorous, sometimes stabbing scenes of everyday life. Hai-Hsin participated in the AIR 3331 program between January to February 2018 and went on to show her paintings in the exhibition, “Catastrophe and the Power of Art”, held at Mori Art Museum in 2019. In her career, Hai-Hsin has laid her sharp eye on Taiwanese and American cultural contexts – hysterical scenes of hundreds of brides to-be in a life-or-death battle for the perfect dress; or a family that blinds their eyes from a Christmas tree roaring in flames. Likewise, during her time in Tokyo, Hai-Hsin picked up on aspects of everyday culture with tons of drawings and playful collages such as the swagger of a Japanese construction worker in parachute-like bottoms, men making jokes in the Sento bath, and Ginza office ladies and salarymen in a procession to get lunch like a stream in a river.