


杉本 克哉

Katsuya Sugimoto

1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery

Idolization 0218Idolization 0218


「最近の作品では画面上に「対称性」「反復性」「反転性」の構造を取り入れ、「信仰」や「宗教」などをテーマに作品を展開している。 展示している「Idolization」(偶像化)のシリーズは、実際の油絵具パレットと、それをそっくり模した絵画を左右1対として、展開している。制作するたびにパレットは副次的に現れ、それが次のモチーフとなる。パレットを用いて描かれた絵画ではなく、絵画制作の痕跡のみを提示する試みである。ここには、本来描かれるはずの実像ではなく、虚像あるいは偶像、偶像とその連なりを表現している。」

「On the screens of my recent works, I incorporated 3 main structures -- “symmetry”, “repeatability”, and “inversion”. I explored my themes such as “faith” and “religion”. The series of “Idolization” is now exhibited as a pair - an actual oil paint palette (left) and my own painting mimicking the actual one (right). Each time I use a palette, another palette will appear as a secondary motif. It will be the new motif. It will be repeated continuously. This is my attempt to present my own traces of a series of paintings. It’s not just a drawn painting after using a palette. This is not a real image that I have copied but it’s a virtual image or an idol. It’s a succession of idols.」

杉本 克哉

杉本 克哉

Katsuya Sugimoto

1984年 栃木生まれ
2011年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修了
2017年 「NORA HAIR SALON 10th Anniversary Exhibition, NORA × HAISHAKKEI 」、NORA HAIR SALON、東京
2017年 個展「From playing to praying」、H.P.FRANCE WINDOW GALLERY MARUNOUCHI、東京
2018年 個展「Idolization」、hpgrp GALLERY TOKYO、東京
2019年「ブレイク前夜−次世代の芸術家たち−」、A/D GALLERY、東京

1984 Born in Tochigi
2011 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School
2017 “NORA HAIR SALON 10th Anniversary Exhibition, NORA × HAISHAKKEI”, NORA HAIR SALON (Tokyo, Japan)
2017 Solo exhibition“From playing to praying”, H.P.FRANCE WINDOW GALLERY MARUNOUCHI (Tokyo, Japan)
2018 Solo exhibition “Idolization”, hpgrp GALLERY TOKYO (Tokyo, Japan)
2019 “BUREIKU ZENYA−Next generation artists−”, A/D GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)





アーツ千代田 3331

3331 Arts Chiyoda 


[Comment by Selector]



Sugimoto, who is based in Tokyo, develops pop motifs, sometimes layered with religious themes, in two or near-three-dimensional work. In this fair he exhibits the series “idolization”, in which he shows the palettes used in the production of his work placed alongside replicas of them. The palettes are, in essence, something left behind after a work is painted, but the pieces themselves are not exhibited, so their originality remains in question. The duplicated palettes become peripheral icons, leaving the location of originality even more vague. Is there anything “original” in any image we see in our daily lives? Sugimoto’s work poses this question.