


堀 聖史

Satoshi Hori

1F-Main Gallery1F-Main Gallery


白い道とハンドタオルWhite Road and Hand Towel

ブランコで遊ぶ3人の子供Three Children Playing on a Swing

真珠の木Perl Tree


「All things have a name. However, originally this was not the case. Even if their names were lost, we could still at least see them. I wonder, how would we see things if we forgot all of their names? How would I grant meaning, names, and shapes to them? These are my thoughts while I create my work.
When I make paintings, I get a feeling that I’m folding time, approaching its minimal form. It’s the feeling of taking away meaning, names, goals, familiarity, memories, and time from the surface. A feeling like the gestalt collapsing. The more I see and the more I repeat, the more I lose understanding of the meaning. 」

堀 聖史

堀 聖史

Satoshi Hori

1996年 北海道生まれ
2020年 東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻在籍
2019年 「ランタイムのともだち」、Bambinart Gallery、東京

1976 Born in Hokkaido
2020 Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo
2019 “Runtime Friends”, Bambinart Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)





Bambinart Gallery

Bambinart Gallery 


[Comment by Selector]



From the pictures of Satoshi Hori you can sense the reality being experienced by the neo digital natives generation. The compositions of his works where many images form layers and the series of works he produced in 2018, such as Landscape Day and People I Don’t Know, contain clues that allow us to do so. At the same time, when we view Hori’s pictures, their style, which brims with poetic sentiment, calls up a certain sense that all generations recognize and understand.