



3331 ART FAIR 2021 満を持して2021年秋に開催!会期が決定しました

3331 ART FAIR 2021 is set to be launched in Autumn 2021.

この度、3331 ART FAIR 2021の開催が以下の通り決定いたしましたのでご案内申し上げます。

[プレビュー 2021年10月28日(木)15:00-20:00]


3331 Arts Chiyoda・3331 ART FAIR 事務局一同
3331 ART FAIR 2021

[プレビュー 2021年10月28日(木)15:00-20:00]

3331 Arts Chiyoda
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6丁目11-14

10月29日(金)・30日(土)  12:00-20:00
10月31日(日)      12:00-18:30


We are pleased to announce that 3331 ART FAIR 2021 will be held as follows.

Period: October 29th (Fri) – October 31st (Sun), 2021
【Preview: October 28th (Thu), 2021 3pm – 8pm】

Last year in March 2020, in the midst of the threat and spread of COVID-19, 3331 ART FAIR succeeded to uphold the opportunity and place for artists to exhibit their works by quickly responding to the situation.

After more than a year, it is our pleasure to finally announce that 3331 ART FAIR 2021 is coming this Autumn.

Fully motivated and inspired, we have geared up the preparation toward this October specially to take every possible precaution and measures to ensure the safety for the exhibitors, artists, and visitors. Please look forward to 3331 ART FAIR 2021, and we would appreciate your continued support and cooperation.

3331 Arts Chiyoda
3331 ART FAIR Management Office


3331 ART FAIR 2021
Period: October 29th (Fri) – October 31st (Sun), 2021
【Preview: October 28th (Thu), 2021 3pm – 8pm】

Venue: 3331 Arts Chiyoda
6-11-14, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan

Hours (tentative):
October 29th (Fri) & 30th (Sat) 12pm – 8pm
October 31st (Sun) 12pm – 6:30pm

*Please note that the content and time of the event will be subject to change at short notice due to the COVID-19 related situation. We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


3331 ART FAIR 2020開催報告書をアップしました

The 3331 ART FAIR 2020 event report has been uploaded.

3331 ART FAIR 2020は、新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大を受け、当初の企画内容を大幅に変更・一部中止し、2020年3月18日(水)~22日(日)の5日間に渡り実施いたしました。本来参加を予定されていたアーティスト様、ギャラリー様、団体様、大学様、出演者の皆様には多大なるご迷惑をおかけしたことをお詫び申し上げるとともに、実施内容の変更について、皆様からのご理解とご協力を賜りましたことにも心から御礼申し上げます。
ここに、3331 ART FAIR 2020の開催報告書をアップいたしました。どうぞご高覧くださいますようお願い申し上げます。


Due to the situation of the spread of COVID-19, the 3331 ART FAIR 2020 was held during a 5-day period between March 18 (Wed) – 22 (Sun), 2020 with major changes and cancelations to part of its contents. The organizers are greatly sorry to the artists, galleries, organizations, universities, and guest speakers who had planned on participating. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation with regards to the necessary changes made to the event.
We have uploaded the 3331 ART FAIR 2020 event report to this page and invite all of you to take a look.




Collectors' Prizes / Audience Prizes / Recommended Artists are announced!

3331 ART FAIR 2020のコレクター・プライズ、オーディエンスプライズ、レコメンドアーティストの結果を、3331 ART FAIR ウェブサイトにて発表させていただきました。ぜひご高覧ください。


≫3331 ART FAIR レコメンドアーティスト
石黒健一 https://artfair.3331.jp/artist/artist-774/
平野真美 https://artfair.3331.jp/artist/artist-505/

※選ばれたアーティストには、3331 Galleryでの個展開催の機会が授与されます。会期等の詳細が決まり次第、アーツ千代田 3331のウェブサイト等で発表致します。

We have announced the resulting 3331 ART FAIR 2020 Collectors’ Prizes, Audience Prizes, and Recommended Artists on the 3331 ART FAIR website.
Please take a look at this year’s list of awarded artists.

>> Announcement page

>> 3331 ART FAIR Recommended Artists
Kenichi Ishiguro https://artfair.3331.jp/artist/artist-774/
Mami Hirao https://artfair.3331.jp/artist/artist-505/

*The selected artists will each be awarded with a solo exhibition held inside the 3331 Gallery. The exhibition periods and details will be announced on the 3331 Arts Chiyoda website when decided.



3331 ART FAIR 2020 Online Gallery open!




3331 ART FAIR 2020 事前予約申込み方法

Make Reservations for Entry to the 3331 ART FAIR 2020




・ご招待状(3331 ART FAIR 2020の白封筒)やご招待券など既にチケットをお持ちの方

Google Formより所定のチケット種類をお選びください。(予約申込URLは本ページ下部)







・ご招待状(3331 ART FAIR 2020の白封筒)やご招待券など既にチケットをお持ちの方も、事前のご来場予約をお願いさせて頂いております。お手数お掛け致しますが、何卒ご了承ください。
・キャンセルをご希望の方は、3331 ART FAIR 2020事務局までご連絡ください。





3331 ART FAIR 2020 入場予約(ご招待状やご招待券など既にチケットをお持ちの方)




3月18日(水) *3/18はご招待者様(3331 ART FAIR 2020の白封筒をお持ちの方)に向けたプレビューのみとさせていただきます。



12:00~14:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方

14:00~16:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方

16:00~19:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方


12:00~14:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方

14:00~16:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方

16:00~19:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方



12:00~14:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方

14:00~16:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方/無料チケットをお持ちの方

16:00~19:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方


12:00~14:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方

14:00~16:00 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方

16:00~18:30 ご招待状(白封筒)をお持ちの方無料チケットをお持ちの方


Make Reservations for Entry to the 3331 ART FAIR 2020

As the event will be held with limited admission to regulate the number of visitors, all entries will be made through prior reservation with a designated time slot.


For those with invitation letters (official envelope from 3331 ART FAIR 2020), invitation tickets, or advance tickets:

Please select the ticket category through the Google Form (reservation URL at the bottom of this page).

For those wishing to purchase advance tickets (those currently without a ticket)

Please purchase an advance ticket with a designated entry time through the ArtSticker page.

*According to guidance by the public health center, please enter your “date of birth”, “address”, “telephone number”, and other information. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Those with invitation letters (official envelope from 3331 ART FAIR 2020), invitation tickets, or advance tickets must still make a reservation to enter the venue. We apologize for the inconvenience and are thankful for your cooperation.

Visitors may check in 15 minutes prior to their reservation time. (Ex: for 14:00-16:00 entry, check in starts at 13:45)

As we wish for as many people as possible to visit the fair, same day reservations will be given as once ticket per person.

Each visitor is required to have their own reservation (if others are attending with you, please make separate reservations per person). Visitors without a reservation may be unable to enter the venue.

If a visitor does not enter during the designated time slot, then the reservation will become invalid.

Multiple entry is allowed during the fair period. However, a reservation is required for each entry.

The number of visitors allowed entry is based on designated time slots. If your desired date and time slot is unavailable, we ask that you select one that is available.

For those wishing to cancel their reservation, please contact the 3331 ART FAIR 2020 Office.

[Requests to Our Visitors]

▶︎To those showing signs of fever, please refrain from attending.

▶︎Even without fever, we ask that those who have had cold symptoms or a sore throat for more than 1 week refrain from attending.

▶︎We may deny entry to visitors who are feeling even slightly unwell.

▶︎Please wear a mask when attending.

▶︎Due to measures taken for air circulation throughout the facility, the venue may become cold. Please attend wearing clothing that is easy to adjust with the temperature.

Reservations to Enter 3331 ART FAIR 2020 (Those with an invitation letter, invitation ticket, or advance ticket)

Please select your preferred date and time slot from those listed below and fill out the required fields of the reservation form. The number of visitors allowed entry is based on designated time slots. If your desired date and time slot is unavailable, we ask that you select one that is available.

March 18 (Wed)

*3/18 is a preview limited to invited guests (those with a 3331 ART FAIR 2020 invitation envelope).

14:0016:00 / 16:0018:00 / 18:0020:00

March 19 (Thu)

12:0014:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

14:0016:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

16:0019:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

March 20 (Fri / National Holiday)

12:0014:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

14:0016:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

16:0019:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

March 21 (Sat)

12:0014:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

14:0016:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

16:0019:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

March 22 (Sun)

12:0014:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

14:0016:00 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket

16:0018:30 Those with an invitation letter (including envelope) / Those with a free entry ticket


3331 ART FAIR 2020 開催変更について

Announcement Regarding Holding 3331 ART FAIR 2020

現在の社会状況を鑑みて「3331 ART FAIR 2020」の開催を従来の公開形式より、完全予約制による限定公開形式に変更して開催することを決定いたしました。また、当初の企画とは異なる会場構成や運営方法での実施に伴い、「アートフェア2020実行委員会」を立ち上げ3331 ART FAIR 2020の主催者といたします。





共同代表 佐藤直樹
共同代表 中村政人












入場者数を制限するため、ご入場は全て事前予約制とさせていただきます。詳細・ご予約方法は、改めて「3331 ART FAIR 2020特設サイト」などでお知らせいたします。*3/13(金)15:00から時間指定付き入場券の受付を開始する予定です。



3月18日(水)14時-20時 ※ご招待のみ(3331 ART FAIR 2020の白封筒をお持ちの方のみ)
3月19日(木)〜3月21日(土)12時-19時 ※事前予約・入場制限による限定公開
3月22日(日)12時-18時30分 ※事前予約・入場制限による限定公開











<延期> 延期の日程が決まりましたら改めてご案内いたします。
【マーケット】Here is ZINE Tokyo 3331
【マーケット】TOKYO BOOK PARK x 3331 〜トキメク古書のアートな広場〜
【パフォーマンス】パフォーマンス by 阿部真理亜 + 花沢忍 「on the q.t. (with banana)」
【パフォーマンス】アーリー 90’s トーキョーアートスクアッド展 オープニング企画:実演「視聴覚交換マシン」/八谷和彦


【ツアー】マイ・ファースト・アートを見つけよう【トーク】都市は文化 (アート)でよみがえる
【トーク】キュレーター×アーティスト Vol.2 小金沢智 × 後藤有美 & 須永有
【トーク】 キュレーター×アーティスト Vol.4 井波吉太郎 × 上村菜々子 & ユアサエボシ & 吉村宗浩
【トーク】“アートで生きる”教育とは 〜出展6大学によるトーク〜

【パフォーマンス】パフォーマンス by NARAMIX × Ukulelist DAICHI 「Menehune」


<変更> 下記のトークイベントは、無観客によるライブ配信で実施いたします。視聴方法など詳しくは決まり次第、ご案内致します。

3/19(木) 16時-17時 クロストーク「キュレーター×アーティスト Vol.1」荒木夏実 × 小林勇輝 & 副島しのぶ & 和島ひかり

3/20(金・祝) 13時-14時30分 「支援・評価・アーカイブ・共有するアート|新時代のプラットフォーム構築」

3/21(土) 13時30分-15時
クロストーク「キュレーター×アーティスト Vol.3 」青木彬 × 中島晴矢 & 光岡幸一

3331 ART FAIR 2020 スペシャルトーク「現代アートで問いかける、女子受験生が減点される社会」

クロストーク「キュレーター×アーティスト Vol.5」宮本武典 × 小田香 & 飛田正浩 & 前田エマ






会期終了後、作家に許諾を得た作品に限り、作品をオンラインでご購入いただける仕組みを導入いたします。詳細が決まり次第、3331 ART FAIR 特設サイト等でご案内いたします。
本フェアに関する追加発表などは、詳細など決まり次第、改めて「3331 ART FAIR 2020特設サイト」「3331 Arts Chiyoda ホームページ」「3331 Arts Chiyoda公式SNS各種」などでお知らせいたします。


アートフェア実行委員会 事務局担当宛
[電 話] 03-6803-2441(代表)
[FAX] 03-6803-2442
[E-Mail] af@3331.jp

In light of the current social situation, the organizers have decided to change the public format of the fair to a limited complete reservation only viewing. Moreover, with alterations to the venue layout and operational methods, the “Art Fair 2020 Committee” now serves as the organizers of the 3331 ART FAIR.

The decision was made upon the organizers’ careful consideration of all the possible options besides the art fair format to hold a space for artists to share their expressions, such as online exhibition/sales, etc.

With these changes to our event, we are greatly sorry to all those who were eager to attend, including visitors, cooperating galleries, artists, as well as all businesses and organizations offering their sponsorship, support, and partnership.

Please find the current details of the event below.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and continued support in our art fair.

March 12, 2020
Art Fair 2020 Committee
Joint Representative, Naoki Sato
Joint Representative, Masato Nakamura


[Alterations to the Event]

1) Limitation on Visitor Numbers
The venue will be closed to the general public in order to precisely monitor the number of people within the venue (including staff and artists), in avoidance of large numbers of people gathering in one location. Visitors will be limited to those interested in purchasing artwork upon making a reservation in advance. The organizers will ensure that within the 1F Main Gallery as its venue (approx. 600 ㎡), the number of visitors will be limited to a maximum of 70 people per 2 hours. There will be close monitoring of the venue to allow 3 m x 3 m square space (area of 9㎡) per single viewer.

2) Admission Fee
The admission fee will be reduced from the former ¥2,300 (including tax) to ¥1,500 (including tax). *Advance tickets by reservation: ¥1, 000 (including tax)

[Advance Tickets Purchased through ArtSticker by 3/12]
The complete fee will be refunded to the purchaser. The office will contact purchasers individually on details of the refund method.

3) Venue Entry
All entry to the venue will be made through prior reservation in order to limit the number of visitors. The details and method of reservation will be announced shortly on the 3331 ART FAIR 2020 website and other media. *Reservations for entry tickets (noted with visit time regulation) are set to begin on March 13 (Fri) at 15:00.

4) Hours of Entry
The entry hours will be changed to:
March 18 (Wed) 14:00 – 20:00 *Invitation only (those with an invitation envelope received for 3331 ART FAIR 2020)
March 19 (Thu) – March 21 (Sat) 12:00 – 19:00 *Entry by prior reservation and limited number of visitors
March 22 (Sun) 12:00 – 18:30 *Entry by prior reservation and limited number of visitors

5) Cancelation of Gallery, Organization, and University Booths
All exhibition booths held by galleries, organizations, and universities in the 1F Main Gallery and 2F Gymnasium will be canceled. Within a space allotted by numerous walls, there is the risk of many visitors viewing artwork close together. We have decided to take this action given that, even upon limiting the number of visitors, the situation cannot be monitored closely. We offer our deep apologies to all those involved.

6) Venue Change
The selected artists exhibition to be held in the 2F Gymnasium will be moved to the 1F Main Gallery. With alterations to the exhibition layout, the number of temporary walls will be reduced as much as possible in order to allow for constant air circulation throughout the space.

7) Cancellation, Postponement, and Alteration to Events
All related events and tours are to be canceled, postponed, or altered as listed below in order to avoid large numbers of people gathering in one location.

The postponed dates for the following will be announced once decided.
[Market] Here is ZINE Tokyo 3331
[Market] TOKYO BOOK PARK x 3331 “Open Space for Special Used Books and Art”
[Performance] Maria Abe + Shinobu Hanazawa “on the q.t. (with banana)”
[Performance] Early 90’s Tokyo Art Squad Exhibition Opening – Demonstration: “Inter Dis-Communication Machine” by Kazuhiko Hachiya

[Tour] “Look, What’s That? Parents & Kids Art Tour”
[Tour] “My First Art”[Talk] “The City is Reborn by Culture (Art)”
[Talk] “ Curators x Artists Vol. 2” Satoshi Koganezawa x Yumi Goto & Aru Sunaga
[Talk] “Curators x Artists Vol. 4” Yoshitaro Inami x Nanako Kamimura & Ebosi Yuasa & Munehi Yoshimura
[Talk] “Education by Living with Art – Talk Involving 6 Exhibiting Universities”

[Performance] NARAMIX × Ukulelist DAICHI “Menehune”

The following talk events will be held through live streaming without visitor attendance. Details on live streaming will be announced once decided.

March 19 (Thu) 16:00 – 17:00 Cross Talk “Curators x Artists Vol. 1” Natsumi Araki x Yuki Kobayashi & Shinobu Soejima & Hikari Wajima
March 20 (Friday / National Holiday) 13:00 – 14:30 “Art that Supports, Evaluates, Archives, and Shares – Building a Platform for a New Era”

March 21 (Sat) 13:30 – 15:00
Cross Talk “Curator x Artist Vol. 3” Akira Aoki x Haruya Nakajima & Koichi Mitsuya

March 21 (Sat) 18:00 – 19:00
3331 ART FAIR 2020 Special Talk “Told Through Contemporary Art – Society that Detriments Female Students”

8) Cancellation of Reception Party
In order to protect against the spread of the COVD-19 disease, the reception party and all other events involving food and drinks will be canceled.

9) Online Art Sales
After the event has ended, artworks confirmed by artists will be sold through an online system. Further information will be provided on the 3331 ART FAIR 2020 website and other media once decided.
Additional information on our fair will be announced through the 3331 ART FAIR website, 3331 Arts Chiyoda home page, and all 3331 Arts Chiyoda SNS once decided.


ART FAIR Committee Office
[Tel] 03-6803-2441 (Rep.)
[FAX] 03-6803-2442
[E-Mail] af@3331.jp


3331 ART FAIR 2020 の開催について

Regarding Holding the 3331 ART FAIR 2020


「3331 ART FAIR 2020」の主催者であるアーツ千代田 3331並びに3331 ART FAIR 事務局は、

3331 ART FAIR 2020の開催については、事務局及び関係各所と協議を重ね、

感染予防の観点により、アーツ千代田 3331では、フェア開催前より継続して以下の対策を行います。


・3331 ART FAIR 2020をはじめ、多くの方が集中されるイベントにつきましては、定期的な館内清掃と管理に努めます。


私どもアーツ千代田 3331は、ご参加いただく皆様とともに、3331 ART FAIR 2020を創って参りたく存じます。



アーツ千代田 3331(合同会社コマンドA)
3331 ART FAIR 2020事務局





We greatly thank you for your continued support and involvement.

We are e-mailing you to inform you about the measures taken by 3331 Arts Chiyoda and the 3331 ART FAIR Management Office against the Coronavirus and other diseases.
As an art center running its daily operations, we put our visitors’ health and safety as our top priority. Currently, we are working with the city administration in doing everything we can to prevent the spread of disease in our facility.

Regarding the holding of the 3331 ART FAIR 2020, upon discussions between the Management Office and those involved, for the moment we have decided not to postpone or cancel the fair, and to continue with the planned schedule.

Measures that 3331 Arts Chiyoda is taking prior to the art fair opening are as follows:

・We have placed alcohol sanitizer spray for anyone to use at all entrances and other locations throughout the facility.
・To ensure air circulation, the entire facility will be aired out twice daily (AM/PM).
・During the 3331 ART FAIR 2020, and all other events with large attendance, the facility will undergo cleaning and maintenance on a routine basis.
・Staff may wear masks for protection against the spread of disease.

The organizers at 3331 Arts Chiyoda hope to continue building the 3331 ART FAIR 2020 together with all those involved.
We aim to come together as staff and put our highest efforts towards holding our fair.

We understand the thoughts and concerns that you may be having.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

We thank you for your cooperation.

3331 Arts Chiyoda (Command A LLC.)
3331 ART FAIR 2020 Management Office


プレスリリース 第一弾を公開しました

Press Release vol.1 released.



3331 ART FAIR 2020 website open!