

東 智恵

Tomoe Higashi

Selection-GYM(2F 体育館)Selection-GYM(2F Gymnasium)



I am a painter who expresses my experience and presents my enthusiasm for human relations and emotions such as love and death. My paintings relate with my strong personal aesthetic which reflects my background as a rural Japanese woman.  I grew up surrounded by nature and my works helps the viewer feel as if they are in another time, a magical forest, with dappled light which pulls them into my own chaotic, emotive world with vintage Japanese elements and vivid colours.

When I paint, I compose layers in my head and paint them on canvas. My multiple colourful layers represent my experiences since childhood, which range from the joyfulness of life to the fear of death, even if the first layer may not be seen. I also have been fascinated by the colour combinations created by layering of garments called “kasane”. They were made with the limited dyeing technology, available 1000 years ago in Japan. I studied the techniques and colour combinations for ancient fabric. In addition, I am fascinated by the high context that is expressed in these traditional patterns.

Through repeated research, I found it interesting to include this contextual meaning in my paintings. It had a linguistic influence on me; pursuing superficial beauty and secretly depicting stories and emotions behind it. This is in homage to the allegories that have been used in art for many years.I attempt to create new paintings with my modern sense, while referencing classic colour combinations and patterns.

東 智恵

Tomoe Higashi

1986年  宮崎生まれ
2019年  バース・スパ大学
2019年  バース・スパ大学

2022年  べっぷ×Bathアート交流展、別府市美術館、別府
2021年  楽園の日々、冨士屋Gallery、別府
2021年  現実、アートスペース"現実"、別府
2019年  The show @ Lackbrook、Lackbrook、バース(イギリス)
2019年  Dis-connectiong、44AD、バース(イギリス)

1986  Born in Miyazaki
2019  Bath Spa University
2019  Bath Spa University

2022  Beppu×Bathアート交流展, Beppu City Art Museum, Beppu
2021  The days of Sanctuary, Fujiya Gallery, Beppu
2021  Genjisu, Art space "genjitsu", Beppu
2019  The show @ Lackbrook, Lackbrook, Bath(UK)
2019  Dis-connectiong, 44AD, Bath(UK)



中村 恭子

Kyoko Nakamura


NPO BEPPU PROJECT Representative Director



東さんは宮崎県出身。イギリスのバースにあるBath Spa Universityでファインアート修士課程を修了したのち、別府に移住し創作を続けています。東さんは、アナログとデジタルの手法を自由に使い分けながら、日本的な物語や神話をモチーフに、鮮やかな色彩で幻想的な世界観を描き出します。近年は、同じく『清島アパート』に入居している異ジャンルのアーティストからの刺激も受け、立体作品にも挑戦するなど、のびのびと意慾的に表現の幅を広げています。