


大下 裕司

Yuji  Oshita

大阪中之島美術館準備室 学芸員

Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka / Assistant Curator


Selected Artists



All artists were called upon in consideration of the visual perspective of how we "see, are able to see, and are seen". Moreover, I start from the viewpoint of the difference in their creative processes with my own sense of vision and perception along with the philosophical concepts and art theories practiced up until now. From one perspective, Inuwashi, using concrete subjects, draws wolves using Nihonga method; while Aya Momose approaches society physically using performance and film. Maoya Kishi uses structural motifs to reference the space; while Solaya Nagai takes up themes that involve actual visual blurring. These artists each possess a completely different style and method. Considering the notion of looking at something carefully, what is obviously important in viewing an exhibition, and also most neglected, each artist has the strong element of attracting us and not allowing that to happen.

大下 裕司

Photo: Yuki MORIYA

1987年、横浜生まれ。札幌国際芸術祭2014プロジェクト・アシスタント(コーディネーター)、ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2017アシスタント・キュレーター、横浜美術館学芸員などを経て、2018年より大阪中之島美術館準備室学芸員。専門は現代美術史、先住民族文化論。担当した展覧会に「開館プレイベント2019:新収蔵品 サラ・モリス《サクラ》」(アートエリアB1、2019、大阪)、主な企画に「芸宿スクリーニング:野生復帰訓練」(芸宿、2019、金沢)、「オオカミの眼」(BLOCK HOUSE、2017、東京)、「ラッセン展」(CASHI、2012、東京、共同企画)などがある。

Born 1987 in Yokohama. Oshita served as Coordinator for Sapporo International Art Festival 2014, Yokohama Triennale 2017, as well as Assistant Curator for Yokohama Museum of Art, and for Nakanoshima Museum of Art Osaka since 2018. Major curated exhibitions include, "Pre-Opening Event 2019: Sarah MORRIS, SAKURA"(Art Area B1,Osaka, 2019),"Gei-Shuku Film Screenings: Rewilding Training, Gei-Shuku"(Geishuku,Kanazawa,2019),"The Iris of a Wolf"(BLOCK HOUSE,Tokyo,2017),"LASSEN"(CASHI,Tokyo, 2012; collaborated curation),among others.